Sunday, June 28, 2015

To The Park and Back

You never know what you will find when you walk to Elizabeth Park and back.

These young people were having videos shot to promote their party business, Invite a Princess.

At the pond, there were more geese and ducks than people.

Jonathan was taking photos of Emily and Jeremiah with an ancient Polaroid camera, so I took a photograph of all three with his Polaroid and one with mine.  Jonathan's company rents photo booths for wedding receptions, engagement parties, birthday parties and other special events.

Some young folks (including Christina, above) were doing a video for their fashion business.

And on the way back home, new neighbor Jared carried Madison on his shoulders. 


  1. Sure seems to be a popular park. Nice portraits and candid photos.

  2. This park is used for a great variety of purposes! It never occurred to me that in addition to appreciation for its beauty and your photography, it could be a marketing tool for a variety of businesses with the right photos. I think the "family fun" purpose is terrific. Love the photo of your new neighbor. . . a very proud Papa. Does it make you lonely for Willa!?

  3. Goodness me it's all happening in Elizabeth Park! Fab series of portraits Jack, I'm guessing you take a notebook with you on these trips to take down the necessary info?

  4. You certainly meet a lot of interesting people in that park!

  5. ( with apologies to Paul Simon) "It's all happening in the park( zoo). I do believe it's true..."

  6. My goodness, you run into all kinds of interesting happenings at the park.

  7. Never a dull moment at that park!

  8. You do get such terrific captures of people -- everywhere, Jack!! Of course, I do LOVE that park and wish I could walk there myself!! Lovely flowers and colors and beautiful people as well! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty, the fun and the happy people!! Hope you have a great new week!!

  9. Some great portrait, but my favorite is the last one...

  10. So much going on there. The costumed ladies look right at home among the roses.

  11. That last shot steals the show.

  12. Busy day in the park...princesses, poultry, Polaroids...
    I especially like the portrait of your new neighbors. Very cute!
    (BTW, regarding your sunset comments: I'm usually very patient and certainly know the best comes later but the blanket of clouds seemed so thick I was convinced that there wouldn't be any color coming through. And the cold wind didn't do much to support patience.)

  13. I love going to the park with you Jack. We're bound to meet some interesting people on the way!

  14. Quite a mixed crowd in the park, Jack!

  15. My, you find such attractive models!
