Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Walk Down Pratt Street

Lawrence describes himself as a victim's advocate and he says he is a structural engineer.
He has repeatedly sued the City, the State, real estate developers and construction companies for
what he calls flaws and fraud in construction of Connecticut buildings.

Agnes moved here from Ghana eighteen years ago.  She is a certified nurse's aide.

Rishi used to be a banker.  He and his cousin opened a liquor store on Pratt Street about a month ago.

And, Stewart is an optician.  He is also an amateur photographer.  We had a good time discussing technique, subjects, and other photo-geeky stuff.  Stewart often works with photographers
to match their models to eyewear that suits their look and wardrobe.


  1. Jack, this is quite a gallery of varied personalities! All on one walk? You must have been a busy photographer that day!

  2. Rishi caught my attention with his Glenfiddich and Glenlivet!

  3. Great portraits and stores. Each one fits so well with the person.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. what a great variety in people...wonderful portraits!

  5. An interesting group of people.....all on one street!

  6. You did a great job again Jack. I just love your work! I think your portraits are amazing ;-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands!

  7. An interesting street... I mean the people of this street, of course.
    Fab portraits, Jack !

  8. Terrific captures as always and such a great variety today, Jack!! Always a wonderful way to start my day! Thank you for sharing the people and places of your world!! Hope you're enjoying your week -- it does look as though you've been busy, camera in hand, of course!!

  9. Not only the portraits are great but also the backgrounds are fantastic!

  10. You had an interesting walk down the street, Jack!

  11. BRAVO again!
    You are taking wonderful portraits!

  12. All excellent portraits and interesting characters Jack but ... Oh my, the shot of Lawrence is brilliant, from your description you have captured his personality perfectly.

  13. A nice selection of portraits!

  14. What an interesting group! I'd say Lawrence may have a problem, though. And I guess there's more money in liquor than banking. As they say, banking is fine but liquor is quicker!

  15. I bet Lawrence is forever busy! For sure he would be if he lived in Ontario. :)
