Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sunset at Naples Pier II

Low tide makes the foreground more interesting.

And this is an iPhone photo taken ten minutes before the top DSLR photo.
Why do we try so hard with fancy cameras when iPhone photos are so good?


  1. I hope that we can still do more with our real cameras than we can with phone-cameras. But both your photos look good here. At least on my big screen.

  2. Two super photos. They say that phone cameras are going to take over. Either way the photographer is the one that makes the difference. Some people take pictures and some take photographs.

  3. Other two excellent sunsets, Jack !
    Camera or iPhone ? The difference makes always the photographer...

  4. You make a good point Jack.. although I have to say as yet I haven't taken any with mine :) Another two beauties here.

  5. Your phone does take super photos, at least for showing on your blog. People who print their photos still might prefer a "real" camera, though.

    Also, Andy is correct that it's not just the iPhone taking the photo. You have a good eye, Jack.

  6. I was just looking at some photos that I took with my very first digital camera back when I wasn't quite sure it would catch on. The photos were so grainy. Now one can get fantastic photos with a phone. Amazing! Great shot by the way.

  7. Probably because an iPhone costs more than my camera and my smartphone?

  8. Your beach scenes are awesome!! And your phone does indeed take terrific photos, but it also needs a good eye -- which you have!! Have a great day!

  9. You are right about smart photos, IF it has a good camera and lens. Love those piers!

  10. Both of these shots are fabulous, Jack! I don't have an iphone or a fancy camera! ;-)

  11. Interesting comparison...colours rendered a bit differently and more visible grain on the phone but both are perfectly acceptable on screen. I doubt they'd print the same, but many of us never print our pics any way. However, it is the eye behind the lens that matters most.

  12. Oh, those are beautiful shots, Jack!

  13. Both are great shots. It is the eye, behind the camera, that makes all the difference!

  14. I like the nice soft colors.

  15. I think the first shot is noticeably superior so you haven't wasted your money, Jack. I don't have an i-Phone or a DSLR, so I don't have to bother myself with that choice in life.

  16. Fantastic! I love the Naples pier and have taken a few sunset shots there before, but I love these colors - very nice!

  17. Wow, they are (both) really nice images!
