Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Camera-Shy Self Portrait

Click here to see how other photographers from City Daily Photo interpret this month's theme.

(And, here is an alternate.  Some would say that a 50% discount is not big enough for me.)


  1. The hat is definitely you. I'm trying to figure out how you took that top self-portrait. Bottom: the jacket looks pretty cool on you!

  2. Such a vibrant beach scene. Love it! I think it works great even with your back turned to the camera. :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. That looks like a really pleasant day at the beach Jack.

  4. I like your self portraits, but really enjoyed all the pictures you posted from Florence and Rome. I can see from these pictures why you spend your winters in Naples. Much more colorful than winters here.

  5. I bet that chair shot was tough to 'take'. I hope to be there soon too. Pass the sunblock.

  6. I wondered about the stability of a tripod in the sand, and the camera! I avoid sand even if there's no wind.

  7. A couple of great shots Jack. That beach is looking very inviting.

  8. I love it!! You're such a clever one! And a smile and a giggle to start my day!! Doesn't get any better!

  9. Did you have a tripod for your first selfie? You look at home on the beach. :)

  10. Nice view hey Jack :) Super vibrant beach scene.

  11. Toes in the sand. It's a hard knock life!

  12. The firs is perfect, the other is more in my style... Obviously, I like both!

  13. So that's what you do all winter down there, Jack! I am getting tired of the cool temps up here this spring so I wish I was there! I like both your shots but especially the beach.

  14. It's a hard life... :-)

    I'm ever so slightly disappointed that you aren't wearing pink.

  15. Sitting out on the beach, enjoying the weather. Must be rough, but I suppose I could rough it. Good takes on the theme, Jack!

  16. Something I dare not do, having had a scary brush with melanoma. Which reminds me - it's something no one should do. We know better.

  17. Oh, I thought the 50% off was because we've only got half of you!

  18. I like them both. Nice reflection.

  19. You looks very comfortable on the beach. I'm wondering if the sign in the second photo means YOU are 50fi off? Just askin', Jack. :))

  20. Nice and colorful! Love that pier. I can see why you chose this particular spot! I'll bet you pretend to be reading a book, too.

  21. Well done. Both self portraits suit you. (How many of these did you end up shooting?)
