Sunday, March 22, 2015

Walking Florentine Streets

Some daytime shots of night shots shown yesterday:  Ponte Vecchio, carousel and Duomo.
(Too many pictures today, so less text.)

If you're going to deface a wall, at least do it with quality.

The Mercato Nuovo, an outdoor market for leather goods.

A bust of Benvenuto Cellini on the Ponte Vecchio.  If you want to feel inadequate,
compare yourself with Cellini, a goldsmith, sculptor, draftsman, soldier and musician.

The Uffizi courtyard.


  1. Wonderful shots Jack. Thank you!

  2. I love this bridge in the first photo. I'm hopeing that I could see it myself.
    All photos are wonderful.

  3. Wonderful, captures so much of the essence of the place. I particularly love the penultimate image. How much did you pay the cyclist (and his dog) to be there? ;) It looks like a shot from a movie.

  4. Looks like you and the camera have been busy, keep it up.

  5. What a great series of photos! I think I see where I bought my wonderful leather handbag at Mercato Nuovo. That was before I bought two more on another street near our hotel.

  6. What a wonderful walk you've taken us on today, Jack!! And such a great series of photos they are indeed -- as always! Thank you so much for sharing your trip, the next best thing to being there myself!! Enjoy!!

  7. Great street scenes; am enjoying the walk.

  8. My favorite italian city !You pictured it in a perfect way!

  9. I've never been there but these shots make want to go!

  10. Lovely, lovely! I haven't been there yet so your tour is a treat! I liked that wall art.

  11. So very lovely! Would love to be there!

  12. Right, and Berlioz wrote an opera about Cellini! No is ever going to write an opera about me (even though I go to an awful lot of them.)

    Fond memories of many of these scenes.

    Restaurant recommendation: Alla Murata.

  13. I love the shot of the Plein Aire artist.

  14. Glorious captures Jack - thank you for sharing parts of Florence I was unable to get to during an all-too-short visit last year. Your previous post has some stunning night shots too.
