Saturday, March 28, 2015

Vatican Museum

The Vatican museum holds countless treasures.  A surprising number were outstanding pagan
statues.  I picked out some of the Christian stuff to show.

This is an 1854 fresco by Podesti, celebrating Mary's Immaculate Conception.

A heavily decorated barrel ceiling soars above the map gallery in the Vatican Museum.

This is a detail from a Flemish tapestry from the 1500s in the Vatican Museum.

And this is a 19th century fresco influenced by Rafael's earlier works.


  1. Pagan art? REALLY? That's something to ponder.

  2. Jack, I think it's about time you came home. I don't think that I can contain my envy any longer. I am happy to see the world through your eyes, but I am sad that I haven't seen some of those glorious scenes myself! This particular tour must have been sensory overload. . .what wonderful photos!!

  3. I was simply awestruck when I toured the Vatican Museum. Such beauty in every direction.

  4. Ah, I have to agree with Kate!! I do enjoy seeing the world though your eyes -- and you do have great eyes for catching the beauty everywhere! I do thank you for that as they are the next best thing to being there myself!!

  5. The details are so overwhelming, Jack! What a trip you are having.

  6. What an astonishingly beautiful selection, Jack. I'm envious too!

  7. The detail on that ceiling is beyond words.

  8. I read they have the richest art collection in the world. Must have been something to see it in person.

  9. There's a lot to see there! I am sure making a selection was difficult. :)
