Thursday, March 12, 2015

Olde Naples: Tree Canopy

I post a lot of photos from Naples, but I haven't shown you much about the residential
neighborhoods in beautiful Olde Naples -- the heart of the city, maybe
ten blocks north and 15 blocks south of Fifth Avenue South.

Today let's look at a few of the tree-lined streets.


And, some enterprising entrepreneurs earn their livelihoods showing Olde Naples to tourists.


  1. I do love tree lined streets. We don't have any in my town because hydro crews are always cutting away the branches to protect wires. New subdivisions have underground wiring but the trees are still too small to make a huge impact.

  2. Love that first one, Jack. These trees would wow me in person.

  3. The trees on that first shot are fabulous, Jack !
    What a wonderful avenue !

  4. What a very beautiful street Jack, the trees are magnificent. I wouldn't mind a tour of old Naples myself.. On foot :)

  5. I do love that first shot, Jack!! What a beautiful street and a beautiful place to walk any time!! Terrific captures for the day as always! Hope you're getting ready for a great weekend!! Enjoy!!

  6. Wow, gorgeous scenes! I LOVE that first photo. That is an amazing street scene.

  7. That canopy of trees, esp in the first shot, is a beautiful sight. What a pleasure to be able to live nearby.

  8. Everything is nice and fresh. I love that first shot.

    You must be getting up to Hartford pretty soon.

  9. The first picture is really amazing and also the others show us a very nice neighborhood...

  10. Gorgeous shots of the tree-lined streets, Jack! I hope the old homes haven't been replaced with McMansions.

  11. I'm sure you'd be very good at being an enterprising entrepreneur too.

    The two top shots are to die for.

  12. What a special lane. You are lucky to enjoy it, we to share your photos.

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  13. Those tree lined streets are beautiful. I would love to wander along and check out the view, but I would skip the Segway.

  14. These trees are a big WOW! I'm not used to seeing branches so long. I think I can thank utility crews for that. Do you know if those top trees are oaks? And are the white-trunked ones in the third shot cypress?? Whatever they are, they're truly gorgeous.

  15. So gorgeous Jack! One of the best things about older neighborhoods are the established trees.

  16. I like the tree canopy over the street. Also some of those grand old trees look so magnificent.

  17. This is a great place on the planet!
