Thursday, January 29, 2015

U.S. Post Office at Ochopee

You are looking at the smallest post office in the United States.  It was a shed on a tomato farm
until 1953, when the Ochopee general store/post office was destroyed in a fire.
This shed was quickly commissioned as a post office and
has been  in service ever since.

Ochopee is on the Tamiami Trail near the entrance to the Everglades National Park.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. I think I've mailed bigger packages! Nice shot.

  2. The smallest AND cutest post office.. Ditto what Ed said, I' m posting off a parcel to Sydney tomorrow that's close in size :)

  3. I'd be nervous, if I was the Postmaster. Looks to have taken some beatings at the 'drive up window'?
    Shed Happens!

  4. I'm with Grace, the smallest and surely the cutest post office I've ever seen!
    (Are you absolutely sure that this is the SMALLEST post office in the United States, Jack? No doubt?)

  5. There have been a lot of robberies committed on Post Offices around here. With that one they'd probably steal the whole building!

  6. Now how fun is that!! Yep, the cutest post office ever! John is probably right, robbers would likely take the whole building!!

  7. I've seen walk in closets bigger than that.

  8. Absolutely amazing: I would be really curious to see the inside...

  9. I hope it continues in service, Jack!

  10. Cute, and although we have a very small one in Weirsdale, this takes first place. I wonder where people go at Christmas when standing in line and it starts to rain?

  11. Small is beautiful. I guess it doesn't rain there too often then.

  12. How cute ... I wonder if they have a postman .

  13. I thought our post office was small.

  14. That's the smallest one I have ever seen.

  15. The cutest post office I've ever seen !

  16. Small building, important place.

  17. This about sums up the way things are going at the post office these days.

  18. I wonder if they ever get long queues...

  19. What fun to post a letter or card from this post office.

  20. Birdman has a good eye. It does look like a few cars may have overshot the mark. And there isn't a lot of room for error. I hope there's a back door for a quick getaway if necessary. It sure is cute, though.
