Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fusion Art at the Bonita Springs Art Show

And, here is the last post from the Bonita Springs Art Show.  Texas husband and wife
artists Liv and Ron Colbert team up to create "fusion art," which they call 
"a marriage of photography and painting."

Liv photographs and prints scenes on large canvases, Ron assembles those canvasses into
five-panel structures and then paints complementary scenes on two background panels
that connect the three foreground photographic panels.

I found the idea intriguing and the execution excellent,
but I didn't go home with one.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. Nice shot Jack. Great portrait of the artists.

  2. Interesting concept (both the artists work and the theme day topic)

  3. That's really an interesting way of printing an image.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. It is wonderful when two artists, married to one another, can collaborate in such an artistic way!

  5. An intriguing idea indeed, I like it !

  6. Marvelous work. I've seen something similar done here.

  7. Fascinating indeed and so different! And terrific capture, of course, as always!! Hope your week is off to a great start, Jack!! Enjoy!

  8. Would love to see these works 'live'.

  9. That's a new one for me - I can see them on a nice wide wall. I bet they did well at the show, Jack.

  10. Intriguing idea. From your photo it's difficult to see which is photo and which is a painting. Any close-ups?

  11. What they do is wonderful, and the fact to do it together as wife and hubby makes the thing even more beautiful !

  12. Really fun, a lovely creative fusion. You'd need a big wall though!

  13. At photographic scale it's hard to tell where the photograph ends and the painting begins. It's a very nice collaboration!
