Saturday, January 31, 2015

Brown Pelicans in Chokoloskee

Chokoloskee is a small unincorporated village of about 350 residents, south of Everglades City.
When I visited, about twenty brown pelicans were roosting on piers at a marina.

Pelicans are the goofiest things, bar none.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. Excellent pics, Jack, they reflect perfectly the goofy nature of these unique birds.

  2. Seriously super shots Jack.. So interesting to see brown pelicans, we have only white.. look at those feet in that last shot, fascinating.

  3. These are great and so much fun Jack.

  4. Not getting between a fish and these birds. Yikes!

  5. Great portraits of quite strange beasts...

  6. You're even getting good with the bird portraits, Jack!

  7. Ah, great portraits indeed, Jack!! You get better by the day, but do be careful not to get between the birds and any fish -- I see Birdman has already warned you, so do pay attention!! Thanks as always for sharing the fun and the beauty!! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!

  8. I couldn't agree more about the goofiness but, I do love to watch them. They are so silly looking when sitting about but so graceful when flying over in formation.

  9. Goofy though they might be, they're such characters.

  10. They seem to fun birds - I guess because of the goofy look.

  11. Peculiar birds they are, the pelicans.

  12. Those floppy feet are really gripping that post!

  13. But such a hard "don't mess with me" attitude.

  14. "A funny bird, the pelican. It's bill can hold more than it's belly can. He can hold in his beak enough food for a week! But I'll be darned if I see how the hellican?" Dixon Lanier Merritt

  15. I like their fuzzy heads and also their colouring. I think they are secretly laughing at the human with the camera.

  16. Very impressive characters but still bloom beauty qualities of feathers . Great fish muggers. They can catch them before anyone tries.

    Good choice.

    I am new at first entry of this theme. Nice to meet others and see others selections of pictures.

  17. I saw White Pelicans on the Sea of Galilee - amazing and yes, pretty goofy!
