Saturday, November 29, 2014

Marketplace I

Maria sells orchids.

Matthew sells products to help your arthritis, dry skin and anything else that ails you.

Diana photographs birds.  I am REALLY jealous of her dancing heron photo.


  1. Maria and Matthew have just the sort of faces that fit the products they sell. Diana, on the other hand, I wouldn't have guessed at all. Nice portraits all three.

  2. I would be willing to make purchases from all three: artists and their talents always make me a bit jealous yet I LOVE their products, dry heat in Mn homes requires a daily regiment of lotion and since I just killed three orchid plants, I'd like to take another chance at nurturing one more effectively!!

  3. Oh how I wish I could grow orchids like that. Matthew has a little something for everyone and Diana's dancing heron is spectacular. That is quite a variety of things to see at the market.

  4. I want a jar of that stuff that cures insomnia and arthritis!
    Great trio Jack.

  5. Little bit of everything there. Where's the food truck?

  6. What a fun place to spend a day -- well, as long as I left my purse at home!! Interesting people and places and terrific captures as always!!

  7. Such marvelous portraits. Yes, that heron's just a splendid image.

  8. Yes, I love that heron too. But how on earth does skin cream combat depression?

  9. That cream could solve the problems of the world!

  10. I'm not a nature photographer but that's some damn fine work.

    Is there a market for all this stuff? Is dry skin really a problem in Florida? Matthew seems very keen on adding you to his client list.

  11. Jack, you take such great photos of people, no matter where you find them. Thanks for sharing these with us. About the boats in my post, it's not a traffic jam. Those boats are at a boat rental place, waiting to be rent for a ride on the canal. The place is called Angle Welsh Waterway Holidays--this is just one of their locations, in the Trevor Basin in Wrexham, Wales.

  12. An interesting mix of products on sale here. I also love the dancing heron. What a shot!

  13. Oh me too Jack, it's a brilliant shot. and Maria's orchids are pretty special also.. I might pass on Mathew's arthritis stall, not there just yet :)

  14. Interesting posting and SUPERB portraits.
    I could easily have spent time and money there:)

  15. These "markets" are a lot of fun. I wonder if some of these folks were at the Cedar Key Arts Festival last month. I think Maria looks sweet, and Diana looks like fun, but Matthew ... hmmm...con man? Nah.

  16. I love the orchids shot...kinda wonder about stuff that claims to cure so much...and I'm totally with you on the dancing heron shot.
