Thursday, November 20, 2014


Josh Manring is a photographer, naturalist and author whose Naples gallery shows large format photographs from his travels.  So, what would you call your gallery if you were a
photographer who loves travel?  Journeyman Gallery, of course.

The top photo is from the second time I visited Josh.  The first time, Josh's gallery was closed and he was dressed scruffy, to catch up with stuff.  My camera rested on his glass table.
I liked that photo (below) EXCEPT that one of the pictures behind Josh was
glossy and reflected a car outside the gallery.  So, I came back.
This time he was dressed neatly but not as "artistically."

Would you have ignored the unwanted reflection and shown the bottom photo anyways?
Or would you have gone with the more conventional top photo?


  1. I prefer the top picture. I find the reflections distracting and takes my eye away from Josh, the subject of your photo. The top picture it is clear that Josh is the subject, but you also include enough of his work and environment so it tells a better story about Josh.

  2. It would be depend upon my mood and my remarks would then comform to the image. I have to think about the name; an interesting assignment. If I feel creative, II'll be back.

  3. On the top photo Josh is looking away, so I prefer the second photo where Josh is watching me. (it is simply another feeling)

  4. I kind of like the reflections at work. Put him in that blue shirt w/o the shorts. Perfect, at least for me.

  5. i like them both for different reasons...josh is very talented!

  6. The reflection in the second photo works, because it leads the eye upwards to Josh. I like it.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  7. I think I would have gone for the photo above. And, I'll stick with "Sharon's Sojourns" for my gallery name.

  8. I really like them both, different moods, but still terrific captures as always, Jack! Hope you're getting ready for a great weekend! Have fun and enjoy -- and, of course, share the fun with us on Monday!! Right??

  9. I'm glad you went back and posted both. Love the name of the gallery!

  10. Both have different moods, though I prefer the first. He looks like quite a character.

  11. I'd probably go with the top one, Jack!

  12. haha, i thought the car was part of that photo!!
    he looks very american on both photos... :)

  13. I'd go with the top one too. In the bottom one he might be just a customer, whereas he looks like the proud owner/artist in the top one.

  14. I would have cropped the bottom one and called it good although the reflection is interesting.

  15. As a former Teamster, I'd want to see his union card.

    I prefer the top picture. Less cluttered, better composition, more personality.

  16. I prefer the top photo for the placement and perspective. The reflection in the bottom photo does not bother me at all, but the "clutter" seems to get in the way of your subject. The top photo is perfect!


  17. I like it that you've shown us both pics Jack. "Stuff" defines a person and so for that reason I like the bottom pic but from a photography point of view it would be the top one. So there you have it ... I like them both for different reasons.

  18. Thanks for showing us both photos. I think I like the top one better. Not that the car reflection bothers me in the bottom one but it's too crowded: there's too much information there. The small photos displayed on the left side are distracting and the image lacks a strong focus. The top photo is more conventional in its approach but delivers a clearer message: a photographer and his work, full stop.

  19. Interesting questions, Jack. While I agree with Nathalie that the second has a lot going on, I prefer it. Josh appears much more comfortable, plus you provide a peek at the variety of his work. Yes, the entire SDP staff votes for #2! The editorial staff, though, would have noted the reflection.

  20. Hello to everyone on City Daily Photo-

    I am a first time visitor because of my chance encounter with Jack. I find the site, forum and concept to be quite inspiring.

    It was jack's critique of his own work that brought him back to the gallery a second time. (maybe the slight desire not to have a car reflection in one of the photographs).

    After I had time to ponder the two encounters (w/o visiting the site yet, meaning I did not know how insightful and constructive the forum was) I suggested to Jack to juxtapose the two images, not just for image comparison sake but to inspire a creative discussion.

    To my surprise and delight I am very happy to see the images and read about the post. Upon request I will provide my website as I am unfamiliar with the site and etiquette.

    Best - Josh
