Friday, October 31, 2014


Wouldn't you like to be a kid again?

My Naples community is home to many retirees and few kids.
I am going to miss having a parade of candy seekers
ringing my doorbell tonight.  


  1. This is really a lovely photo, Jack, so spontaneous... and my answer to your question is "yes, I would".

  2. I certainly would like to be a bit younger; I managed to fall over the other day and I fear that I no longer bounce as I once did. That photo makes me feel younger though!

  3. A lovely picture... and another yes to your question!

  4. Great photo…it really captures the joy of childhood…who wouldn't want to go back for just a day.

  5. Sure, I'd give 12 years old another crack. Fun times, no cares...

  6. This IS a wonderful photo, Jack.

    I don't think being a kid is as stress-free as we adults would like to believe. Kids do have their moments of pure joy, I agree, but I think many adults do too. Just sayin.

  7. That photo made me smile. About a year ago when I went to the Greek festival with my friend David, they had one of these blow up slides. David decided he had just enough kid in him to give it a try and so he did. I tried to capture it on film but, he slid so quickly that all I got where his hands up in the air.

  8. Yes I would, Jack! Maybe I would have even more fun the 2nd time around. ;-)

  9. Such a fun, delightful capture, Jack! I do agree with EG, I don't think being a kid is as stress-free as we adults would like to believe -- at least that's what I discovered as a teacher all those years ago!! Hope you have a delightful, fun weekend! Enjoy the moment!

  10. I'm still a kid. At least my mother reminds me that am. I'm just an old kid.

  11. Lovely photo! So next year drive south on the 1st of November... :-)

  12. No kids at my house at all this year :(

  13. We had an average showing of trick-or-treaters this evening but I adore the little ones, especially those who say thank you.

    Oh, and for the record, I am still a kid. ;-)


  14. Knowing what I know now probably not.

  15. We have fewer and fewer kids at our door with each passing year. Last night almost all of them, including the energetic pre-teen boys, had parents lurking in the street, watching and waiting for them. No cars with kids from other neighborhoods, either. I miss all the activity. Had only 37 trick or treaters come to our decorated door. I have a friend who turns off all her lights and hides in the back of her house. She misses the fun. I love the costume-clad pre-schoolers at the door. In our old neighborhood the parents would accompany the kiddies while appearing with a shot glass in hand. Had one father dressed as Tigger last night. Now these are adults who know how to have fun on Halloween.
