Saturday, September 6, 2014

Faces of West Hartford

Joe is a financial advisor to high net worth individuals.

Janae's friends and family were at Ichiro to celebrate her 20th birthday.

Rob is a barber at West Hartford Professional Barber Shop.

Liz is working on her master's degree in social work.  She just began an internship at a West Hartford elementary school.  Joshua teaches martial arts and is getting qualified to teach yoga.
They posed for me at a new lattice structure in Elizabeth Park.

And, Mya is a professional electric violinist who prefers the blues.


  1. Cool series of portraits. I wouldn't mind celebrating my 20th again.

  2. These are great! Love this series.

  3. Wonderful portraits...great that you bringing these stories to us :)

    -- The Wanderer

  4. Lots of different jobs make the 'world go round'.

  5. A diverse and attractive/talented Harford personalities once more Jack.. I seriously don't think I will ever be as confident as yourself.. I can talk to anybody, but can't quite pull the camera out and ask the question :)

  6. An eclectic group of portraits. West Hartford sounds like such a nice place.

  7. Great portraits of this group of interesting and talented people.

  8. I do agree with EG and another terrific look at those who "people" your world, Jack. Thanks as always for sharing with us!! Hope your weekend is off to a great start! Enjoy!

  9. I think I could have made reasonable guesses at the first four - but a blues playing electric violinist? I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years!

  10. You are becoming quite the portrait photographer, Jack!

  11. Nice! If we come to visit, everyone will look vaguely familiar.

  12. I love them all. I haven't seen a barber pole like that in ages.

  13. An eclectic mix of citizens. . .very nice selection of happy faces.
