Saturday, August 2, 2014


On Tuesday, more than 100 people rappelled down the face of the Hartford Hilton hotel
in a fundraiser for Shatterfproof, a charity devoted to calling attention to
alcohol and drug addiction among children and young adults.
This post is linked to Weekend Reflections.

This hotel cleaner wanted to see what was going on.

No, I didn't rappel.  Years ago I went on an Outward Bound trip to Colorado and rappelled off a cliff.
I remember standing at the edge and thinking, "Let me get this right . . .
I'm going to back off perfectly good solid ground??"
Did it once.  Never again.


  1. Good photos and a good cause.

  2. Yikes, I never did fancy doing that!

  3. I sure hope they were all sober at the time.

  4. A VERY unusual fund-raiser altho it does not appeal to me. So glad to hear that you learn from experience! Not surprised to learn that you will at least try something new!

  5. I know what you mean Jack, but I couldn't do it even once :) excellent images of brave, generous and slightly crazy persons :)

  6. This group was doing their thing here in June. Cool.

  7. I love see this and for a good cause. I'll trust your judgement about doing it myself, in case it happens...

  8. I get sweaty palms just by looking at this. :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. I'm surprised there are that many truly crazy people in Hartford! But, then again...

    Re your comment: The raccoon was on a municipal golf course. On our other courses, we have coyotes and fox squirrels. And rabbits. And a bear occasionally. Alligators are a given, as are snakes.

    It's exciting to golf here in Ocala!

  10. You are much braver than me. I don't think I'll try it even once. I'm not very good with heights.

  11. Well, I can always say I'm too old for such adventure, but truthfully, I would have come up with an excuse when I was 20!! Chicken I am when it comes to heights!! Your captures are terrific as always, Jack, and what a worthwhile event! Hooray for these brave ones!

  12. Wonderful shots. That must have been quiet a sight to see.

  13. They do that here as well, as a charity fundraiser. I've never rapelled off a building, but I've done it off cliffs while climbing, and it's a whole lot of fun.

  14. I'd give them money not to have to do that!

  15. What a terrific job... And a wonderful opportunity to catch an original reflection : well done !

  16. Unique reflection action shots ~ Wow!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Oh, dear. Not my idea of fun or fundraising.

  18. Really? Wow!

    Excellent set of photos!

  19. I don't think I could even try it once, Jack!

  20. haha, funny. i would not dare either.
    and i wish drugs didnt exist...
