Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Pre-Dawn Run in the Park

They are out running early in Elizabeth Park.

As early as 5 a.m.

Before the sun comes up.

How do I know?
Sometimes I don't sleep very well.


  1. Well, that's what real runners do - they get up early and run in the dark. When Lois trained for her marathons, she'd be out running by 3:30 or 4:00...she and a friend would run 20 plus miles on Sunday south Florida that meant dripping trees and wet streets (from the humidity!)...

    Nice shots and this is a beautiful park. What do you do, put up a tent there so when you can't sleep you can get up and take pics? :)

  2. Looks like a great place to do a lot of things. That includes stealth photographing joggers. :)

  3. The pre-dawn hour is magical (unless of course you couldn't sleep).

  4. Jack, these shots are a delight. Beautiful!

  5. Smart place to be with your camera if you're already awake! Beautiful blossoms!

  6. That really is a beautiful place to run but, I hope they stop and smell the roses some of the time.

  7. Best time especially in summer.. not that I'd know about the running part of it Jack :) like you I'd be happier taking photos in that wonderful light.. why not sleeping?

  8. I have not been sleeping well as of late either. But I don't get up to go to the park to see the runners or take part with them. ;-)
    That early morning light is worth it though. Beautiful shots.

  9. I am not a morning person but do enjoy the light if I am forced to be up that early!

  10. This is truly a beautiful park!

    (Sometimes pre-dawn is the only time I sleep, so I have to wonder: if this is pre-dawn, how come there's enough light to take pictures??)

  11. Gorgeous gardens to be out in. It occurs to me that it's been a long, long time since I've seen a dawn.

  12. Good timing. I used to do that stuff before I messed up my knee and herniated a lumbar disc - all well now but no more running.

  13. I'm a little relieved to realize that you're not the one running before dawn. Now picture taking before dawn is an all together different thing.

  14. A safe and beautiful place to be for those who feel the need to run. Though as my father, who was a farmer, would have said "If they want exercise I could find them something more useful to do!"

  15. In France, we say : "Future belongs to the ones who Wake up early" . I agree with that , especially in summer . there's so much to do before the sun rises and becomes too hot .

  16. im not a real runner by any means.... could NOT do that at 5 am. but wish i could....
    today i was lucky with the train and all and was home about 6.30. was supposed to go running. crashed on the couch and have been there ever since. now i see these beautiful pics and feel even worse that i didnt go!!
