Saturday, July 19, 2014

Close Tango

Jaime and Alexandra Alvarez give tango lessons on Thursday evenings in the Metropolitan Church in Hartford.

Jaime has a quiet manner, assuring his nervous partners as they move together.

No, I didn't dance.  Though Jaime was hoping I would, because tall male dancers are hard to find.


  1. And now I have an old Swedish song in my head!

    Tango, tango.

  2. Tangos certainly are classical forms, and you captured the footwork quite well.

  3. I have two left feet but I do LOVE tango music.

  4. I do love to dance and I do love the tango and I do love your captures for the day, Jack!! These are terrific and what a wonderful way to start my weekend!! Hope you have a good one!!

  5. I saw a tango performance when I was in Argentina. It is such a beautiful and passionate dance to watch. Great photos!

  6. Beautiful set of images! Tango is great.

  7. I have never danced a tango. I was corralled by a tango dancer on the street in Buenos Aires to post for a photo with her. While posing as though we were dancing, she raised her slit skirt and coiled her leg around mine. It was the best 10 pesos I ever spent.

  8. Oh, I like these shots, Jack.

    I'm tall, but I have two left feet.

  9. I love to see the tango, Jack! Great pics.

  10. Lovely photos. I adore watching tango and would love to dance but I have absolutely no sense of rhythm or coordination. My daughter took me to a West End show last year that was all based on the tango, wonderful.

  11. As a line from a Lee Ann Womack song goes: 'And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
    I hope you dance...' Maybe you should have!

  12. Nice shots! Tango is as much art as dance in my humble opinion.

  13. Nice shots. That's one dance I wish I could do.

  14. Wonderful portrait of these two. I would have danced for sure.


  15. Beautiful portraits, they describe well the atmosphere. So tall male dancer are rare? My problem would be with the 'dancer' part...

  16. That first photo is terrific, just a first class portrait. The expressions, the slight roughness of their skin, the contrast in hair color and eye expression, the way his cheek covers her left eye. Wonderful.

  17. Beautiful portrait once again!

  18. Beautiful first shot Jack.. how wonderful to make living doing something that you love.
