Monday, June 30, 2014


Meghan Pattyson Culmo was a star on Geno Auremmia's first Connecticut basketball team
to reach the Final Four, and an assistant coach on his first national championship team.
These days she is a TV analyst on UConn's women's basketball games
and a director seeking major gifts for the UConn Foundation.


  1. Do you just track these women down? Do you know her? Did you just happen upon her? I have trouble asking unknowns if I might photograph them. BC from the Lou actually has cards he dispenses to people he photographs. Good idea. That might render me brave.

  2. You find a lot of accomplished women!

  3. Ah, you do have a great eye for the ladies, Jack, and you do take great shots of them as well!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you're rested from your Russian adventure and do have a great new week!

  4. she does have a great smile! i bet the girls learn a lot from her experience!

  5. A very good portrait of a great woman!

  6. Meghan looks lovely Jack.. and at last, a woman as tall as you perhaps :)

  7. Meghan has a lovely smile, a bit on the shy/mischievous side. Dunno if those go well together... :-)

  8. I like her looks. She looks trustworthy. I bet she's responsible for getting many gifts for the UConn Foundation!

  9. Sounds like Meghan's got the steely nerves to succeed. Nice portrait.

  10. Jack, you do so well at shooting portraits of the ladies.
