Saturday, June 14, 2014

Crown Super Market

This is not much of a photo.  But, the story is good.

Crown Super Market has been a West Hartford kosher supermarket forever.
OK.  For 74 years.  But, last winter the owner announced that the store was closing.
The rent and cost of merchandise were going up, the winter storms kept customers away,
and there are three bigger full-service supermarkets in the neighborhood.

The Jewish community was distraught.  Then they mobilized.  Led by three
prominent businessmen, a plan was devised, ownership changed, and the store
was given another chance to serve its community.

"We are OPEN!  Thanks for your support."


  1. It's tough trying to compete with Walmart.

  2. Signs like 'OPEN' keep me away from restaurants and such. I'm leery. Why is a sign needed if it's a good place?

  3. It can be very hard to find a kosher store anywhere. Try to do that in Florida! Hah! Love this happy ending!

  4. A happy ending indeed! Thanks for sharing this one, Jack!! Have a great weekend -- wherever you are!!

  5. You are right. This is a great story. We should read of more of those.

  6. I hope that business is good!

  7. How long before economics catches up though? The big supermarkets won't just go away. Which is a pity because slowly but surely we are getting less and less choice.

  8. Let's hope people keep supporting it long-term and not just in the initial blaze of publicity.

  9. Well, as a clergywoman of the Christian kind, I'd call that a resurrection!

  10. You can't keep a good market down.

  11. Brilliant.. that's what I like to hear!

  12. nice!
    see, when people get together things can happen....
