Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Recently I encountered Bernice again.  Bernie is always dressed nicely and is always willing to pose for another portrait.  This time, she was accompanied by her daughter Kim, for a little pre-Mother's Day mom-and-daughter time.

Kim is a massage therapist at a local fitness center.  She specializes in myofascial massage therapy.  Don't know what that is?  Neither do I, but I have a brochure.

It was a treat seeing the way this very nice mother and very nice daughter interact.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there, and to all who have mothers.


  1. Thanks for acknowledging all of us, both male and female on tis special day! The differences between the sunglasses on the two women are interesting; I detect a bit of generational style difference. Clever of you to have 3 self portraits, too!

  2. Great shots of lovely ladies, Jack!! Enjoy the day!!

  3. Wonderful portraits of these beautiful ladies, Jack!

  4. What a perfect Mother's Day post Jack. I can see where Kim gets her beauty.

  5. Mother-daughter relationships are indeed very special. Lovely captures for this Mother's Day. (And, I like your cameo too.)

  6. Good looking family they have, Jack!

  7. Great posting, and they are lucky to have each other!

  8. The colors of the dress and wall compliment each other well but it's a bit odd to see one wide-eyed and the other masked. I guess if you live in Florida you gotta have them.

  9. A nice portrait of these two ladies.

  10. They look like a happy mother and daughter pair. I missed my Mom this Mothers Day, but we had a nice night out with my MiL.

  11. nice!
    i see you in the reflection...

  12. beautiful portraits, and i see you!

  13. Great post, beautiful portraits!
