Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Heading North: Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania

Southeastern Pennsylvania seemed like a convenient place to stop on the road north. 

One hundred years ago, Pierre DuPont bought 1,000 acres in Kennett Square.

He installed many acres of gardens and other features, including an outside
theater complete with fountains programmed to put on shows.

The conservatory itself covers four acres with tropical plantings.
It also houses a massive organ with more than 10,000 pipes.

In many polls, Longwood Gardens is the best public garden in the USA.
Some rank it best in the world.

Priscilla is a cancer survivor.  She was resting on a bench when I walked past.  She led me on a
tour of some of her favorite parts of the park, including a series of waterfalls and a bell tower.

How many times have I allocated two or three hours to tour a new place and learned that I should have taken at least a day or maybe an entire weekend?  Yup.  Did it again!


  1. Longwood Gardens look like they well deserve that title Jack.. how nice to have a lovely lady to show you around, why doesn't that surprise me :)

  2. Jack I am glad you are taking your time heading north. You are coming up with some great photography.

  3. Priscilla is a very good guide. This medley of photos makes me appreciate not only natural beauty but the largess of thoughtful benefactors. What a wonderful gift to a community!

  4. Beautiful! It definitely looks like it would deserve a full day of exploring. Waterfalls…and a bell tower? Sounds like you found a terrific unexpected guide.

  5. I visited Longwood Gardens when I was in my 20s. I was way too young to appreciate its beauty, I fear. I'd love to go back.

  6. i love that you are taking your time heading home and stopping at these gems along the way! wow, this place is super, and your photos are the portrait of priscilla as well! safe travels!

  7. Nothing more french than "Pierre Dupont" !
    What lovely and rich gardens!

  8. I spent a day at Longwood Gardens a few years ago and it certainly is the best public garden I have ever seen. These pictures are beautiful Jack!

  9. These are lovely. Beautiful portrait of Priscilla.

  10. I can see why people like these gardens. They're beautiful!

  11. What incredibly beautiful gardens, Jack!! I am SO glad you're taking your time traveling north!! Superb captures! Great pic of a brave lady, too!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!

  12. Wow, what a place! Looks amazing dad - can't wait to hear more about it:)

  13. Nice pictures! So I gather you found it a worthwhile place to stop?

  14. Nice to meet Priscilla, I imagine that for a tour of a place like this you really need a guide: it is huge, beautiful and amazingly well kept! Love the topiary!

  15. What a fabulous place, Jack! I love those trimmed bushes!

  16. It would be impossible not to take thousands of photos in a place this beautiful.

  17. This is a wonderful series - so colorful and springy! We lived in West Chester, PA at one time and I think that's close to this place, but we never visited Longwood Gardens. Looks like there were some Amish visitors there also.

  18. An exquisite and beautiful place, Jack. I think my parents were there once.

  19. This looks like it may best Butchart Gardens. Your shots are stunning and the place looks outstanding.

  20. What a great series here Jack but Priscilla is my favorite!

  21. Never heard of it. Very impressive. I have an old friend who lives in West Chester and I'll have to ask him about it.

  22. I see what you mean, Jack, the opposite end of the gardening spectrum to where I was yesterday! Both beautiful in their own way though.

  23. this is so pretty... would be nice to walk there around

  24. I am enjoying your photos of your journey heading north. The scenery is beautiful. Your portrait of Priscilla is special. Lovely!

  25. I'm falling in love with this place, it's incredibly beautiful!
