Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Triangles Plus

Here is a photo of the glass ceiling of the entrance to the

The April theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "triangles."
I offer this photo because, yes, it has many triangles,
but it also has other pleasing
geometric forms.


  1. And there are so many beautiful shapes here!

    The museum that must not be named makes me think of Voldemort in the Harry Potter books being referred to as he who must not be named.

  2. Spiders would be proud of this museum. PS: Beware of museum police... they are ruthless. :)

  3. You should offer a contest for the one who finds the most triangles, but, then again, who would judge? Great shot!

  4. Ha ha. Photography is a crime. Good of you to break the rules for the theme day.

  5. Wow!. That's a lot of triangles.

  6. Nice job getting that photo without getting caught Jack!

  7. Sneaking around again, I see. But you did a super job of representing the theme! Might have strained your neck a bit?

    I was going to try to photograph one of my golf shots, 'cause they usually start off one way, take a 90-degree turn, and then come back - perfect triangle!

  8. If you get caught doing something like this, you could say,"But, officer, I thought that the ban on photography applied to taking pictures of the art, and I was taking a photo out the window. That is allowed in the world's finest museums.."

  9. I love this one, Jack! Definitely my favorite triangle so far!

  10. Always fun to break the rules and snicker as you go out the door! This is a terrific shot for the day and that is a LOT of triangles! Love those blue skies, too! Have a fun one, Jack!! Oh, and get lots of pics, you have my permission!

  11. Oh my I'm getting dizzy looking up at this one Jack :) so glad you're a rebel at heart AND you have given me such a good idea on how to post some photos I wasn't supposed to take either :)

  12. A perfect contrapicado. Un beautiful ceiling.
    a hug.

  13. I tried to count the triangles, but I gave up!
    Super choice and photo for this theme day!

  14. You are a sneaky guy, Jack! ;-))

  15. LOL! How very funny, Jack! And what a great entry.

  16. Ah, one of those. A curse be upon them.

    Pretty cool architecture. Buckminster Fuller lives!

  17. Why, you little sleuth. Lovely array of triangles here in the museum-which-must-not-be-named.

    Love the triangle theme, Jack.


  18. Is this the way for someone-who-shall-not-be-named-but-who-used-to-be-a-lawyer to behave?

  19. Great perspective, countless triangles, and interesting architecture!

  20. Perhaps in future, if photography is not permitted, you could do a small sketch! :) Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia

  21. I see a lot of triangles, thank you for not respecting those silly signs!

  22. Oh ho! You got yourself quite a fine selection of triangles, didn't you?

    Isn't it a shame that photographers must become scofflaws in the pursuit of an innocent hobby? I wonder if it's time to quietly begin a Free the Photographer fund just in case any of us don't manage to get away with it?

  23. Oh you're so ahead of the game. you have more triangles than any of us!!!

  24. I love it! Your secret is safe :).

    I'm feeling much better. Thanks for asking, Jack.
