Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thomas Edison's Winter Home

Thomas Edison built a winter home, guest house and laboratory on Fort Myers'
McGregor Boulevard late in the 19th century, just one year after the town was established.
Edison was already a famous and successful inventor and businessman.

At the time, Fort Myers was remote and lightly settled, with only 349 residents.

But, the winter weather was warm, and the location offered Edison opportunities for fishing,
boating, bird watching, rest and entertaining his visitors from up north.

And, he could work quietly in his study or in his laboratory.

The monthly theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on May 1 is "Squares."


  1. This home is ELECTRIFYING! ....and beautiful.

  2. Well, I guess there was less STATIC down there in rural Florida.

  3. Even without electricity, I'd take it. It's beautiful.

  4. I loved this place when I toured it - especially the lab! There was so much interesting stuff around the place. And then to cross the road to Henry Ford's place was a perfect finish. Thanks for bringing back these great memories, Jack!

  5. oh i'd never leave this place!! love his porch!

  6. I wonder if he had electric light...

  7. Such a beautiful place must have been inspirational for him.

  8. Lovely place and inspirational indeed! I, too, love the porch!! Great area and great weather -- which on this chill, rainy day here in Portland, I find very inviting! Great, colorful captures, Jack, and interesting info!! Hope you're getting ready for a fun weekend!! Enjoy!

  9. You, like Edison, have provided fine illumination on his winter home. Seems he was comfortable in winters.

  10. It looks like a comfortable home for the great man.

  11. Looks like a fine benefit for genius. What a nice spot for an early snowbird!

  12. Another snowbird then. I could happily live here, that wrap-around verandah is so inviting.

  13. It's nice to see an inventor who also used his intellect to attend to his own comfort and happiness. All too often these geniuses don't have the wit to boil an egg.

  14. Haven't been there for years, but I always loved that porch!

  15. Love that porch in the first photo.

  16. Excellent series of shots exploring the house. So Edison was not only a great inventor but a proto-snowbird.

  17. 349 residents?! Wow. I love the Edison House at Christmastime. The decorative lights are beautiful --- which is a fitting tribute for the man who invented the light bulb.

  18. his own lab, whaha!
    i wish my kitchen was more designed like a lab, it would make cooking so much more efficient..
    such a pretty house!

  19. A very elegant abode and beautifully shown here Jack.

  20. Something so appealing about porches.

  21. I am such a lover of porches. This house really stands out. Lovely!
