Friday, April 18, 2014

Nesting Egrets

This was quite a sight.  The photograph doesn't convey how special it is to see in person.
At dusk, snowy egrets swarm in nests all over a tree on a small island in
a residential Naples neighborhood.

The monthly theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on May 1 is "Squares."


  1. Jack, it is still a beautiful shot with a lovely reflection.

  2. That really must be an incredible sight!

  3. I really enjoyed your mansion series Jack so impressive but prefer the cottages, much more manageable :) Super shot of the nesting birds, love catching big flocks together like that. Happy Easter Jack..

  4. Ah, Bird Island!! Terrific capture, Jack!! An incredible sight indeed! Hope you have a great weekend! Try not to get into any trouble!!

  5. The nesting birds are so cool! And I really love the way the water reflects the tree trunk!

  6. Your picture is wonderful enough to help us to understand the beauty and the peace of that moment..

  7. Wow, impressive ; it looks just like the groove of Maracaïbo, in Venezuela...

  8. Always fun to watch nesting egrets. Fine reflection as well. This house might be closer to a mansion than a cottage.

  9. What a treat! There was an island a bit larger than this in California where we could quietly row nearby and see nesting egrets. It's quite a sight!

  10. Beautiful! The egrets look quite at home.

  11. I've seen Herons nesting like this and I can appreciate how special it must have been to see these impressive birds nesting en masse.

  12. You know I would love this! Very cool.
