Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Highrise Part of Town

Even though they have nice views of the Gulf of Mexico, I am not suited for living in a tower.

I like to be outside.  A balcony is not enough.

Linked to Ruby Tuesday.

The monthly theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on May 1 is "Squares."


  1. You must have another photo already selected for the upcoming May 1 theme Day of "squares," as the windows in your top photo would work.

  2. I also like to be outside, but a balcony is always better than a window...

  3. I wouldn't want to live in a tower either, but to savor the view would be awesome!

    Red Hot Chile Pepper

  4. I also am not suited for living in a tower.

  5. Ah, I do agree with you and the others, Jack! Great view, but I wouldn't want to live there!! Hope your week is off to a great start. Stay out of trouble!!

  6. Once lived on the 14th floor in an apartment building overlooking Lake Michigan. It was lovely, and I never had to mow grass, pick up sticks, trim bushes, or shovel snow. The first floor had an excellent restaurant and a small grocery store. Convenient.

  7. Jack, I answered your comment on my blog and provided you a bit more boring detail, if you are interested.

  8. No me neither.. but I have to say sometimes the thought of not having to keep a jungle tamed is quite appealing. Maybe when I'm older :)

  9. Interesting buildings, though I'm like you... I need property.

  10. I guess we all agree, Jack, so we will be down to visit you in a mansion! ;-))

  11. I would not want to live in a tower either.

  12. A balcony is better than nothing ,and sometimes , people have no choice..

  13. Top floor would do me just fine! Not my preferred option but I could make the sacrifice if there is a nice view :).

  14. very nice thanks for sharing

    much love...

  15. I could quite happily live in an apartment, though not necessarily such a high-rise. It rather depends on the neighbours (but I guess that's true in a house too.) I'm all for fewer chores and more time to be out and about or to gaze at the view.

  16. Given the choice, I'd prefer a mansion. :-)

  17. Don't like them either and definitely would not want to be in one with a hurricane approaching.

  18. I agree, I have to have a yard.

  19. Each to their own taste. I grew up in a two bedroom apartment with three siblings and two parents. Outside was the street. No current interest in yard care.

    The architecture of the top building is pretty cool. I like the strong color contrast and the peek-a-boo of the window shades.

  20. i agree. a balcony is most definitely not enough. even if you have 2...
    sadly its all we have right now! (and a step up, i never even had a balcony before)

  21. I like to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.

  22. An apt would suit me nicely; I am tired of mowing lawns and shoveling snow, although I would not care to be as high as the floors on this building.
