Thursday, March 20, 2014

Naples Botanical Garden VI - Fruit, Flowers and Plants

A bunch of Bananas.

Flowers from a Double Buttercup Tree.


A purple flower with a bee.
(OK, I forgot to take notes.)

A seed pod?

Ben teak.

And something else that I don't remember but was pretty cool.


  1. I have made delicious curries with banana flowers. Have you ever eaten them?

  2. lol, well you remember half, that counts for something right?! great shots, so colorful and crisp!

  3. "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ~Proverb

  4. Maybe you could get a job as a floral photographer? These photos are very nice. And at least they're real and not LEGOs! :)

    I was told the other day that I would make a good floral photographer. Well, they put it this way: they said I was a bloomin' idiot!

  5. These are lovely! Great set of images Jack. Yep very much Spring.

  6. Obviously, your botanical garden has a lot more exotic plants than the one here in the desert.
    P.S. Lowell's comment made me laugh out loud.

  7. Ah, yes, Lowell's comment made me laugh out loud, too! Between the two of you I've had a great start for my day!! You capture flowers as well as you do people!! You could have a second career as a photographer, Jack!

  8. Gorgeous pictures of very strange (at least to me) and absolutely beautiful plants and flowers!

  9. Beautiful images Jack, but somehow I think the lure of the pretty smile will draw you back to portraits :)

  10. What an enchanting place there and you got amazing pictures, the banana picture is awesome!Love the colors and intense lights in this post! WEll done!

  11. I absolutely love the angle on top! Beautiful series, Jack.

  12. Beautiful set of images Jack.
    The top shot is wonderful and completely new for me, and the "something else" on the bottom photo looks somewhat familiar and delicious.

  13. I'm so envious of all this glorious nature. it is still cold here even though spring started 1.5 hours ago!

  14. No matter the name, beauty is there !

  15. Tropical gardens are so full of life (when they're not full of legos). Love seeing all these growing things. No coffee plants?

  16. Oh. No Lego. What? No Lego bananas?

    This looks like ripe summer rather than spring to me! They are all wonderful!

  17. A banana flower! It's very spectacular. That's the most interesting thing I've seen today. I shall look at my banana with a new eye tomorrow.

  18. Doesn't matter what they are called, they are all gorgeous!

  19. So lush and incredible! If you hadn't said that first one was bananas, I don't think I'd have even noticed!

  20. Wow! A nice selection of tropical plants and flowers.

  21. hmm...i hardly ver buy bananas but now i would like one...
