Thursday, March 13, 2014

Naples Botanical Garden III- LEGO Garden Worker

This Garden Worker is at the Children's Garden
at Naples Botanical Garden.

This sculpture was made from 37,497 LEGO bricks.


  1. When I read your title I thought you were going to show a real person making a LEGO product. But, nooooo.

    This buy is cute, I guess. Looks like way too much work.

    Re your comment on Ocala: How come I can only photograph mannequins and you get real girls? Ain't fair!

  2. That is simply amazing. He does look a bit "pixelated" when you get up close. It made me think of a painting I saw at the art museum over the weekend. Someone had taken a photo and then painted it pixel by pixel resulting in what look like a photo that had been enlarged too much. It was interesting but I can't really imagine how tedious painting that would have been.

  3. This Lego sculpture just shows that someone has way too much time to devote to Legos. It is in a beautiful location. Your photos document this work quite well.

  4. Oh, how fun!!! My kids loved Legos! And I love your shots for the day -- as always!! You do give me a fun wake up every day with your great photos, Jack!! Hope you're getting ready for a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Wow! So much patience! A Lego certified professional, that's a career choice for the young at heart, excellent :) Nice work on the butterfly Sean Kenney!

  6. Unbelievable, Jack! Think of the time involved.

  7. I cannot imagine constructing this out of legos.

  8. What a great work, I would not have the patience.

  9. My first thought is, "someone has w-a-y too much time on his/her hands." Then I think about how much time I spend blogging. I guess we choose our obsessions.

  10. I bet LEGO was very happy to learn that the garden wanted sculptures made of their bricks. Great advertising!

  11. Unique creativity!
    I like it a lot.
