Saturday, February 22, 2014

George Washington

George Washington was born on this day in 1732.
His painting by Gilbert Stuart hangs in the Senate chamber of Hartford's Old State House.

(I couldn't think of any Washington relationships in southwest Florida.)


  1. Well, there's a town named 'George' in Washington state but that's a bit far away from Florida. This is a brilliant shot.

  2. great shot. Washington is popular also even in the Philippines and known most because of the dollar bill :)

  3. You're doing a lot better than I am. I didn't remember this was the gentleman's birthday. Very nicely-composed photo!

    Re your comment about the car: When I saw it, I thought immediately of you, and wondered what you were doing up here in central Florida. :)

  4. Oh, yes! Terrific composition, Jack, as always!! Like you, I don't think of George being in Florida!! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!! Have fun!

  5. Terrific shot. Loved reading the comments :).

  6. Happy birthday to your first President! Great picture also without any Floridian connection for him...

  7. Terrific framing on this shot, Jack. I'm inclined to want to visit that state house.

  8. Ole' George certainly gets around.
