Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Collier County Public Library

Naples is in Collier County.

There is a city library system and a county library system.

This is the main library for the county.  Lots of people -- like me -- 
have a Naples mailing address but live in unincorporated parts of Collier County.

I asked this man to walk quickly past the stacks to give some life to a photo.
I wanted a blur, but he is a very slow walker.

UPDATE:  I am tall and my DSLR has a swiveling LED screen that lets me hold it high,
low or to the side and still see what I am doing.  Shot from eye height, this would have been a boring view of books and shelves.  But, with the camera held at arms' length above my head, probably
8' to 9' high, I could show the tops of the light fixtures and a view of the room.


  1. Shorts and flip-flops this time of year! One could be envious.

  2. Maybe he thought if he walked quickly his footsteps in flip flops might disturb the readers in the library. Or disturb the librarian.

  3. The outdoor shots remind me of Pasadena, CA. (I have said that to Lowell more than once with some of his shots.) Looks wonderful, warm and inviting. Nice try on the 'moving fast' idea. I am just trying to visualise where you were standing. The mind boggles :).

  4. I don't recall ever visiting either library. My memory is sometimes a blur. But there's a big Barnes & Noble we use to check out. It is a beautiful structure and surroundings.

  5. Just read LOLfromPasa's comment: Please explain that you weren't standing on anything but your own two feet; that you're taller than many buildings in south Florida!

  6. Just a slight bit of blur after all!:) I too was trying to visualize you perhaps on a library ladder, hehheh. Gorgeous sun, you are smart to be snowbirding this winter!

  7. Jack these are great. Love the last one. ;)

  8. wow, that is a gorgeous library and i am laughing about the quick walker who was too slow to make a blur :D

  9. The library has a beautiful exterior but, your indoor photo is a winner. I'm glad you said how you shot it. You have quite an advantage being so tall. I can raise my camera up over my head and probably get to just your eye level.

  10. Great ones for the day and what a terrific library!! But then you have a great eye for composition that some of us lack!!

  11. Super shots of the very appealing library jack. I also have a swiveling LED screen, unfortunately I'm a tiny 5'3" so that's a 'wee' bit of a problem :)

  12. The top photo is really an eye candy, Jack!
    We have still mountains of snow here...

  13. Cool shots! I could outside there all day, Jack.

  14. Ah! Another advantage of being tall. :))

  15. That's a lovely and appealing library, Jack!

  16. At least he was a willing participant, if a slow one. Nice library!

  17. Wow! This library has the most beautiful grounds. I envy you with your swivel screen.

  18. The flowers are gorgeous and the library looks very inviting.

  19. You're blessed with some pretty gorgeous libraries in FL and CT.

  20. That must be one of the most inviting library buildings ever. Love the last photo too, very creative thinking.
