Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Remember Christine?

I am going to resume posting photos from Southwest Florida,
unless the spirit moves me to show more South African
photos and until I go north in a week.

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The Tower Gallery is a cooperative art gallery on the island of Sanibel.  
The artist members take turns in the gallery.

When I visited, the artist minding the store was Christine, whom I had photographed 
at an outdoor art show a year ago.

Don't you love the way Christine coordinates her dress and jewelry with her paintings?


  1. Christine is a very elegant woman and your captured her beauty very well!

  2. Elegant with an artsy flair. I'm sure she appreciated you noticing her nicely executed coordination.

  3. I was noticing how Christine's paintings go so well with her paintings just before I read your words. ;)

  4. Jack, a fine portrait of Christine. Here is an artist who thinks carefully about her clothing.

    This morning's temperature is the reason you live in Naples, and not SD. It is a brisk -12 F with a light wind.

  5. Such a beautiful lady and a very talented artist. I love her tropical looking paintings.

  6. A beautiful lady indeed as well as a talented artist!! I love her smile and dimple! Lovely shot for the day as always, Jack!

  7. A beautiful portrait of a very elegant lady!

  8. She spends some time on her wardrobe that's for sure!

  9. Lovely woman, nice portrait.

    I try to coordinate my apparel with my environment. Mostly, though, it's to camouflage the unending applications of dog fur. Basic black and fur.

  10. A lady with great style. Lovely portrait .

  11. Fantastic coordination - as others mention, I also noticed before I started reading:) Nice paintings too!

  12. Obviously a lovely lady and quite talented.

  13. She is one with her work. Wish I could say that.

    Really nice pose and light.

  14. Women are always coordinating... but it does make for a great photo.

  15. Christine is a talented artist Jack.. she must love the shots you take of her.

  16. quite obvious once you said it. but i wonder whether i would have noticed without you telling me!

  17. The dress goes well with the art!:)
    Looks nice, both the lady, the dress and the art.
