Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela died yesterday.

The former political prisoner and President of South Africa
earned international respect and fame for urging reconciliation in
forming the new South Africa.

This bust is in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in
Cape Town, on the north side of Table Mountain.


  1. Impossible not to have a thought for that fabulous man today.A sad day for the world.

  2. I loved that man! One of my heroes, and I don't have many. I met him briefly when I was in South Africa on an educational tour in the late 90's. What a man!! Go see his cell on Robben Island if you can while you are there. I envy you being in SA during this historical moment in time. I also love that country and its people.

  3. A lot of people like you are showing their respect on the internet today. He touched and moved many people.

  4. This would be a momentous time to be in South Africa.

  5. A lovely tribute to the incredible man that Mandela was and will always be in the hearts of most people! Thank you, Jack!!

  6. Beloved and mourned around the world, but never more than where you are right now Jack.

  7. I immediately thought of you being right there when I heard the news yesterday. He is a man revered by the whole world and there you are right in the midst of where he is loved the most.

  8. A sad day for the world indeed. I admired him so much. To be able to forgive... it astonishes me.

  9. A Hero in every sense of the word.

  10. What a great impact he had on our world.

  11. Thank you for this post. We should celebrate the life and contributions of Nelson Mandela. He should be a model for all of us to follow.

  12. A giant of a man. I'm sure you will never forget where you were when you heard the news!

  13. How lucky the world was that he walked among us, a model for peace and reconciliation. If only more leaders had a fraction of his essence.
