Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's Not My Fault

If you don't want me to take your photograph,
don't sit near me in a coffee shop and look interesting.

Three from West Hartford.

One from Naples.

Camera on the table, finger on the shutter button,
me looking innocent, waiting for a good expression.

The January theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Photo of the Year."


  1. Sneaky eh! Your photos were worth it. I am gradually loosing my fear of photographing people in public.

  2. Both the top and bottom photo portraits are the most interesting. The woman with the red accessories looks like a no-nonsense person on a mission . . . making a persuasive point to her companion whereas the female in the last photo is both carefree and happy.,perhaps describing her recent engagement. So much fun to make up stories about them.

  3. I love these. I like candid photos very much. These turned out well, especially the first and last photos.

  4. It's been lovely catching up on missed posts Jack.. and I see a new rather handsome profile shot :) I have decided one of my New Year 's resolutions is definitely going to be the 'Jack from Hartford 's' approach to portrait taking..just ask!

  5. I do love your "people" shots, Jack, you sneaky guy!! The first and last ones are fantastic!! I look forward to lots more in the coming year!! I do wish you a very Happy New Year! Make the most of if, fill it with fun and photos and above all, ENJOY!!


  6. Oh you are a sneaky photographer! I've done this many times but have never gotten such great results. That lady in the last shot has a wonderful smile!

  7. Good going, Jack! Some great portraits here. You may have a new vocation as a street photographer!

  8. And none of them notice you. I'm guilty of this, too.

  9. I love casual portraits snapped out of life. Always good. And yours are truly remarkable.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. Love that last shot. I tried this one and got nothing but dirty looks.

  11. Very nice and spontaneous pictures, Jack, but I'm glad not to be near you... :-)

  12. The innocent look is as important as patience. Well done - great results!

  13. These are great, Jack! I'm still too timid to attempt portraits.

  14. Love your first and last photo. The other folks are on cell phones probably ignoring the people sitting at their table.

  15. Nice candid shots. People watching is always interesting.

  16. Awesome! Great sneak shots!
    Have a wonderful 2014!

  17. Always fun to sohot candids at a cafe.

  18. I like your commentary on top of the post! :-)

  19. You are so good at this..... taking wonderful images of strangers, and I liked your comment at the top too.

  20. hahahha. thats the right attitude!

  21. Terrific shots, Jack. I love the expression of the woman in the last shot.

  22. I"m having trouble with the "looking innocent " part.
