Monday, December 23, 2013

Humans of West Hartford

Don't you just love Humans of New York?
We have some humans here, too.

Gary Craig is a longtime Hartford radio personality,.  He was in the Toy Chest collecting toys 
and raising money for his charity, We Are The Children.
I bought seven toys and gave them to Gary.

John and I met last summer in a Hartford art gallery.  He has had a tough year.
Several ventures he started didn't work out.  Three friends died.
John is going up to Vermont for the holidays and hoping for a fresh start in 2014.

Manoj and Megan work in a men's store in West Hartford center.
My suit-buying days are probably over but I
bought something for my son.

The January theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Photo of the Year."


  1. I'm surprised at the variety of humans in West Hartford. :) Well done Jack. Thanks for the link to Humans of New York.

  2. Yes, Humans of New York is a terrific site; I should "follow" them because those faces always give me a lift! You have humans equally as interesting today.

  3. What a great selection of humans you have today.

  4. I always like portraits, but I am not so good at them...

  5. Wonderful portraits as usual, Jack!

  6. Maybe a trendy bow tie might work.

  7. Marvellous portraits and wishing John all the best.

  8. Nice posts. Maybe that should be a theme day.

  9. Vivid character and characters. Yes, there are humans in New York but, as a native, I must say that there are lots of otherworldly beings, too.

  10. I love Brandon and his HONY blog. I've had some fun photographing strangers for a long time. I think Brandon would be proud of your HOH pics.
