Saturday, October 26, 2013

Naples Philharmonic

Keith Lockhart conducting.
Beethoven, Concerto No. 4 in G Major for Piano and Orchestra
Berlioz, Symphony Fantastique

Photos of the performance are prohibited,
so this was taken near the end of the intermission
as musicians gathered and began warming up. 


  1. Front row seat or were you just moving around?

  2. I never understand this prohibition of photos. I suppose it is because some "dummies" use a distracting flash?

  3. Beautiful. Keith Lockhart was understudy/second in command to Erich Kunzel in Cincinnati before Keith moved on to Boston. Erich also conducted Naples Orchestras as well as "A Capitol Fourth" in DC. Before going to sea full time, I was a 33 year subscriber to the Pops in Cincinnati. We miss Erich here in Cincinnati since his passing a few years ago. People ask us about Cincinnati sports and we say, "We have no clue. We're Pops and Symphony fans...." ;)

  4. Beautiful shot! I can almost hear them playing.

  5. You were on your best behavior, I guess.

  6. I love going to the symphony, but opportunities are few and far between out here on the prairie. In another age used to enjoy both Cleveland and Chicago symphonies.

  7. Very nice. You've got some "class" down there in Naples! BTW, where did you hide the camera?

  8. At first glance you could have fooled me! Super shot.

  9. That would have been a good concert.

  10. One of my favorite concertos and what a great capture -- even if they were just warming up, I can almost hear the music!! And, yes, where do you hide your camera??? Great capture for the day as always! Enjoy your weekend!!

  11. I've been in theatres where they won't allow pics even well before the performance. I never understand it. You have gotten into the swing of culture down there quite quickly, Jack!

  12. I am sure this was a great event. We saw/heard Keith Lockhart with the Boston Pops this past July 4th. (actually we went to the July 3rd performance of the July 4th concert.) It was spectacular.

  13. A beautiful hall. I do love classical music, and there's a similar thing about taking pics during a performance, but I've done it when close enough during that warm up. Last time I was close enough to read the notes of the bass player's music sheets. Not that I can read sheet music.

  14. I can almost hear the instruments tuning up Jack :) It still makes for a super shot seeing the musicians on stage together.

  15. Beautiful shot and composition, Jack!

  16. I would LOVE to be on the first row Jack!

  17. that place looks so very modern! very different from the symphony in boston.

  18. Nice capture! tough to get that right. I took a BlackBerry pic of LA Phil at the Disney Hall... and was reminded (ever so nicely by a young usher) that photos were not allowed. What's up with that? Top secret interior designs?
