Friday, September 27, 2013

Texting Times Two

The glass of the Gold Building on Hartford's Main Street is very reflective. 

Please visit James' blog Weekend Reflections for more photos with reflections.  


  1. Oh, I love it!! You are so clever and creative, Jack!! Terrific reflections for the day! Did she know she was getting "captured"?? Hope your week is going well! 5 AM??? Where are you???

  2. Nice work, Jack. You were at the right place at the right time and had a good eye to capture this.

  3. I like how the reflection is so golden compared to the original. Nicely captured, Jack!

  4. Pink would not be my first choice to paint a home but if everyone used "my" colours it would likely be a drab, drab world. :))

  5. Wow...

    Youi just prooved that DISCO IS NOT DEAD !!!

    Seriously, I love this picture. ^^

  6. One of the best reflections ever!

  7. Great photo. Unusual topic, great colours.

  8. Now that is one cool reflection.
    Reminds me of the old Soul Train days "brought to you by the makers of Afro Sheen". :-)

  9. That golden cast is wonderful - so is the different perspective on the woman. This is a great shot!

  10. How many of us let ourselves get like that whilst texting?

    Good shot!

  11. Nice capture Jack. Looks like you also caught yourself in the reflection. Since your profile photo doesn't show us what's below your nose I was hoping you got careless and the true you would show up in the reflection. That did not happen as someone went to the trouble of blurring your face Jack. One these day you will get careless and we will catch with your chin down. ☂

  12. Nicely spotted and captured Jack...just thought I'd let you know I'm retiring on 10.10.

  13. ooh, i like this one!
    texting is about the only thing i do with my phone.. without T9 as it drives me crazy...
    do you know dutch people use their phones while biking? makes them go really slow... aaarghhhh
