Thursday, September 19, 2013

South Glastonbury

South Glastonbury is on the east bank of the Connecticut River, maybe eight or nine miles 
southeast of Hartford.   But, it always feels like I am way out in the country.


  1. Bonjour Jack!
    This is a beautiful place and you got excellent pictures. The last one is so gorgeous, I like a lot the barn!

  2. Except for the ornate door frame, your photos could have been taken in the Midwest. Rural scenes have a peaceful tone to them. . . lovely!

  3. beautiful photos and i really, REALLY love that old house in the first one!

  4. Nice shots Jack. It does look like out in the country.

  5. That's exactly how I feel when I have to go South of the Swan Jack..I can't imagine living away from the ocean. These scenes look very rural oui.

  6. Very pastoral and unusual to see so close to a major city.

  7. It is easy to see why you feel that way Jack. These are wonderful photos. Thanks for taking me on the ride.

  8. A beautiful country setting indeed! Beautiful captures, Jack, I love the house and lovely flowers and the red barn!! Enjoy your day!!

  9. These photos do have a country feel to them. It made me think of the countryside around my home town of Quincy Illinois. We had farms and farm houses that looked just like these.

  10. Love that house on top! And yes, it looks like the countryside, Jack.

  11. That first photo looks like an 18th Century building, wow! That door could do with some repair. Is that tobacco growing in that field? Not my favorite crop. Lovely photos however.

    1. Yes, lots of wrapper tobacco is grown in Connecticut.

  12. Great rural scenes, Jack, I love them all!
    And yes... only a few miles from the city and it is another world...

  13. Definitely a country feel to this place! It's nice to get away sometimes. :)

  14. Jack, I think you would like Carl Grupp's work. My photos of him were taken in front of a wall of self portraits done over the past 30 years. To see more of his work go to:
    Then look at "Gallery."

  15. This place looks quite different from your usual shots, but it is nice and interesting in its own way.

  16. Oh, lovely, I'm hoping to see lots of that. (Pity I won't be able to say 'Stop the coach, I want to take a photo!')

  17. Wow, super-rural yet so close to Hartford - it amazes me how many pockets like this exist on the East Coast. I love that soft light in the last one, so peaceful.

  18. Glastonbury in the Uk is a farm where they hold music festivals and it always rains with everyone in wellingtons and covered in mud

  19. Wonderful detailing above the door in that first pic Jack ..... how fortunate you are so close to many scenic areas.

  20. Wonderful photography of the beautiful houses, specially i like the stars of the door no 1st..Nice post. but hope you will regards my new post..

  21. These are just the things that I would also have photographed myself. I find old barns and old house fascinating. I guess what I'm trying to say is that great minds think alike.

  22. Lovely old buildings, a real slice of history it seems.

  23. That is a real door. Great rural scenes here.

  24. Beautiful scenes, all. Isn't it nice to get into the country from time to time? These shots feel like a nice step backward in time.
