Sunday, September 15, 2013

Horse's A**

The statue of Marquis de Lafayette originally faced away from the Capitol.  
That gave the governor and legislature an unflattering view.  So, the statue was reversed.  

I am starting a movement to turn the statue around again.  
It should be where it belongs, with the horse's a** facing the politicians, not the people.


  1. I like your photo and your comment, Jack!
    Good luck with your movement.
    Where do I sign?

  2. I agree with you Jack. Turn it around so that the politicians can look at a horses ass every time they do something stupid.

  3. Jack, you are more of a scamp than I first realized. What ARE we going to do about the current state of our politics. Voting to change the system doesn't seem to be working.

  4. hahahaha!
    File this photo under political editorial.

  5. I agree. Your post gave me a laugh this morning. I think it's great that you took your picture with the same view as the archive picture. Nice work. LIttle has changed.

  6. Amen, amen to that, Jack!! Politicians never seem to learn anything except how to be worse than the ones before them!! Hope you've had a good weekend and that you're ready for a new week!

  7. I agree with you. How selfish of the politicians.

    This reminds me of one time I was speaking on a panel in the ballroom of the Hotel Del Coronado. The room is set up so that the panel of speakers had a great view out to the ocean, but the audience had their backs to the view.

    I guess if the audience could see the beach and ocean, no one would have paid attention to the speakers.

  8. Thumbs up for your statement, Jack! I couldn't agree more with you. Count on me to sign the petition (LOL!), you might already know what I feel for politicians. Nevertheless, it's a great composition.

  9. I bet you will have no problem getting signatures for your movement. I think all of us are well and truly fed up.

  10. Totally agree with you. Where do I sign! ;)

  11. Good shot. Too many politicos of too many stripes to begin with...

    We've got a statue on Parliament Hill of the Queen on horseback. Unfortunately the hindquarters of the horse are away from the buildings...

  12. Jack, that's wonderfully funny. Love your photo and comment. Don't let those politicians get away with nonsense like that. Keep'em honest.

  13. The current position seems to be an expression of what politicians think about their public (that is, those of us with high expectations and closed wallets). I vote to turn Lafayette around and move the whole business closer to the legislative building, perhaps the base of the steps, where it can't be ignored.

  14. Doesn't look like much has changed.

  15. Heh heh, I'm sure they might just be thick enough to not even get the message! Please add my name to your movement's petition:) Oh, great images too!

  16. You got it, Jack. But which orientation, if either, will influence the politicians?

  17. Thank you for the comment on my blog. It is a sweet little roadster. Not sure about the testosterone, it runs of regular.

  18. Sad to say, we have the same problem with politicians up here. Love your humour. ;)

  19. hahahahaha. thats very funny!
    do many people have the same opinion? do you think it will be turned?
