Monday, September 23, 2013

High Line Portrait and Mural

One week ago I was in Manhattan and took a walk on the High Line.  Spectacular!!!

These lovely young Chinese women asked me to take their picture with their iPhone.  I did, then I took their picture with my own camera.  I positioned them near this colorful billboard mural, Waking by Gilbert & George (1984).

Today's post is linked to Monday Mural.


  1. Jack I must say that that I find young ladies more attractive than the mural. You know, it's a guy thing. Upon closer examination I realize that if you take the photo as whole the ladies and the mural actually make the perfect combination. You are are photographic genius Jack.

  2. Cool to meet tourists from the other side of the world.

  3. you're too smooth mr jack! great photo!

  4. Gorgeous girls, wonderful mural!Perfect picture!

  5. The girls really do make the photo. I've noticed this in a few other street mural photos that people enhance the shot.

  6. Another wonderful portrait Jack. I haven't visited the High Line yet but have heard lots about it. I'll have to make a point the next time I travel to NY.

  7. The girls look happy and what a great shot! And what a colorful mural! A fun way to start off my week, Jack! Have a lovely day/week!!

  8. I had never heard of the High Line until you post and link. Great re-use. I had heard of "rails to trails" in rural areas, but this is an urban adaptation of the same idea.

  9. Jack, great portrait of pretty girls. You do that so well. I would love to go for a walk on the High Line. Perhaps some other time.

  10. At least three continents in one photo!
    ... and, Gilbert is native from South Tyrol :)

  11. A spectacular walk, I imagine...

  12. As always, this is amazing Jack!

  13. Interesting contrast between the human and the painted portraits. I love the color pop of the mural but I do think I prefer the human faces. And a great way to capture the scenery. Well done!

  14. What a vibrant mural Jack ... looks great with the city-scape in the background.

  15. A very nice image. Colorful and happy.

  16. I've never done the high line. Looks fun! Love the bright colors in that mural. :)

  17. Nice shot, Jack! I've heard of the High Line. It's a good use of urban space.

  18. Love the composition with the skyline and all the colors. Nice! Good to know you are date certain for your departure south. And, I like the revised name of your blog -- excellent!

  19. Love this photo with all the different elements: skyline, mural, and lovely young women. Very nice combination of images.

  20. Hi Jack,

    I love helping people take photos for them but hate having to ask people to take my photo! That's why my tripod follows me around :)

    Duncan In Kuantan

  21. Lucky you to be able to walk the High Line. This mural is quite contemporary, almost circus-like wit. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural. p.s. You're such a nice guy to take the girls' photo.

  22. thats a different mural than when i was there. looks interesting!

  23. Perfect composition with the city in the background. They got lucky when they asked you to take the shot.
