Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Newburyport is a coastal town in northeastern Massachusetts, with its port along the mouth of the Merrimack River.  This is a view of Newburyport from across the river in Salisbury.  There are hundreds of pleasure boats at this part of the river.  You only see a few here.  Many of the small boats at these docks are the ones that boat owners use to get to their large boats moored further out.


  1. Ah, the life of a sailor! Ship Ahoy! Now where is Johnny Depp?

  2. I'd say according to your description that these boats represent one heck of a lot of money! Pretty place. Except in the winter. Which one of these is yours?

  3. Isn't pleasure boat an oxymoron??!! As an Aussie 'snowbird' who's survived many years of the hazards of OZ travel, I'm sure you'll survive them too!!

  4. My sister lived nearby on Plum Isl. for many years. Yes, there are some big boats nearby.

  5. oh, have to take the little boat out to get on the big boat....hard life!

  6. I love boats images!This picture is great and I love the beautiful flag as well!

  7. Ah, I love boats - big and little!! I just love being near the water, period! Lovely capture for the day, Jack! Enjoy!!

  8. Having just spent the weekend in California, I saw many, many huge boats docked in the Newport Harbor. The size of some of those pleasure crafts was mind boggling.

  9. Hah! A small boat to get out to their big boat, that sounds like two boat too many for moi :) super nautical image Jack.

  10. This delightful scene just screams New England and I love it.

    Yes, pink today but wait until you see what I have in store for 1. September! :-)

  11. I'm not big into boating but love to watch them so this looks like a good place to do that!

  12. I like boats shots very much...beautiful photo...

  13. Interesting that both Newbury and Salisbury take their names (presumably)from English towns that are miles from the sea. Portsmouth, mentioned in a recent post, however is a naval dockyard in both places.

  14. One of my husband's boat magazines had an amusing article to help quantify how badly the reader had boat mania. It included adding up the total length of all the boats owned, how many were "stored" at home waiting to be "worked on." Some boaters can never have too many; the dividing line seems to be size and complexity of the vessels. I've begun to succeed at pointing out to my husband whether the "boat de jour," the latest one he must have, is seaworthy. The goal is to make "project boats" a thing of the past. The one he's building now is helping the cause. Phew.

  15. What a sight (and site)! Love those boats lined up prettily, and love the capture. Makes me feel summer is ending too fast.

  16. Laughing at Kate's comment. Now that is a place for a Blogger problem.

  17. Goodness the big boats must be huge if these are the ferrying ones

  18. oooh, newburyport... so far away suddenly!!
