Sunday, July 7, 2013

Red Dress 5K Race for Women

The annual Red Dress 5K Race for Women was yesterday.  It began in Elizabeth Park, wandered throughout my neighborhood in West Hartford, and then ended back in the park.  The race draws attention to heart disease in women.  It is always colorful.

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And . . . Ta Da! . . . today I introduce "Naples and Hartford in Season."  These days I spend more time in Florida and on the road than I do in Connecticut.  For a couple of years I have posted Hartford photos from Florida from October through May.  Increasingly I have been including photos from my travels.  As the header indicates, the two anchors of the blog will be Naples, Florida, and Hartford, Connecticut, so now I can be more above-board about posting from wherever I might be.

Regular viewers do not need to change the link.  I am using the same url I used when this blog was Hartford Daily Photo.  But from now on, the blog will have more freedom to travel around with me.  Please fasten your seat belt and join me on life's adventures!


  1. I really like these changes, I´m ready to see Naples pictures!

  2. Wonderful picture!Brave girls!
    Now I'm going to enjoy your pictures and new blog!It's really cool!

  3. I can live with that change. Go 2494!

  4. Number 2494 looks like she is in deep concentration.

    I enjoy your blog. Keep on clicking your camera wherever you are.

  5. I love this idea and the name is great. I'm ready for the adventure.

  6. You really caught this jogger's expression well. And I'll be looking forward to more shots from you, whereever they come from! :)

  7. This is a good idea: you may have more than one hometown after all... So your blog is now half-Neapolitan (Napoletano in Italian), even if your Naples is in Florida!

  8. Jack, my Mother always told me to stay away from fast women. Fine photo from a race for an excellent cause.

  9. Fantastic! I enjoy traveling with you through your images. :)

  10. I recognise the look of determination on 2494's face Jack, it's the look I have when I'm winning the race haha! Great shot, and I'm fastening my seat belt for future trips from where ever you are :)

  11. Hooray! Great idea and I'm ready to travel! Terrific shot for the day! She does indeed have a look of determination!! Enjoy your day -- well, afternoon in your part of the world!

  12. Ready to follow you everywhere you'll go/drive/fly ..and post !

  13. I haven't been to Hartford but have been to Naples, Fla and loved it so whatever you show us is fine with me!

  14. This is a good concept that fits your lifestyle. You will accomplish in one website what Julie and I do in three websites, one for Tamarindo, one for Scottsdale, and one for our travels.

  15. Excellent shot, Jack.

    And it makes sense to go with that shift.

  16. Bravo! You are now free to roam about as you wish.

    Gorgeous runner. You do have a good eye, Jack.

  17. A race for a good cause. I am excited about your new blog.

  18. Great idea to combine the two cities; now why didn't I think of that?!

  19. That's a great cause to run for.

    "My Manila" has never just been about Manila, so I'm all for the change! :)

  20. I applaud your choice of subject matter in this photo. You do have a photographic eye. Or...maybe just an affinity for the number 2494?

  21. Super shot and looking forward to more photos from more places! Sounds like fun.

  22. Good choice to rename your blog, Jack. It more accurately reflects who you are.

  23. Great idea Jack .... Your new title gives you the liberty of posting from wherever you are.

  24. I'm along for the ride. It's similar to what I did by changing mine into Salt & Light. More freedom!

  25. A perfect solution to the snowbird traveler: Hartford, Naples, and the world! I like it.


  26. i am going to join the color run next month!! that should be colorful too... :)
