Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Connecticut Yankee

This distinguished gentleman was patiently sitting in a store waiting for his wife to finish shopping.

"You have a perfect New England face," I told him.  "Please tell me you weren't born in Wisconsin."

"No," he said.  "I am a physician and I was born in Hartford, one of the few still remaining."

I want to be his agent.  There must be a market in Hollywood for classic Connecticut Yankees.

Black and white?  I know, I know.  Usually my photos are in color, but he was sitting next to a boring beige wall.  I asked him to call me next time he was sitting next to a dark blue or red wall and we both had a good laugh.


  1. Such a cooperative subject. Black and White is always a good alternative to color, and some folks prefer it.

  2. Your portrait showing the character of a Connecticut Yankee is appropriate today, as yesterday President Obama honored former President George H.W. Bush, whose father of course was a Senator from Connecticut.

  3. A face with character ... Forget the blue or red wall Jack .... looks perfect in black & white.

  4. Nicely done and the b&w works well. It is a classic New England face. I think. What are the distinguishing characteristics of a classic New England face?

    Re your question: Nope, that's not the road from Jacksonville to Tampa and nope, all roads in Ocala do not look like this. I know you're just being silly, but this is a new road and only goes for a few miles. It is in an area where there is a lot of new home construction.

  5. Oh yes, a very handsome fellow. He might have a second career in the movies.

  6. Wonderful portrait. My guess is that this isn't the first time he has been waiting for his wife :).

  7. Superb B&W shot for the day, Jack! And what a great, wise face he has!! I bet he has a lot of stories of his own to tell!!

  8. I just love this portrait the way it is.What a beautiful man ! Age has nothing to do with it!

  9. He has a wonderful face where ever he comes from Jack. You made a good choice with the B&W, looking forward to your next meeting with this gentleman to see the colour version :)

  10. Ah was jest wondrin' if'n y'all kin tell the diff'rence 'tween a Boston Brahmin and a Connecticut Yankee by the way them folks talk?

    We shore kin tell if'n some snowbird's from Boston!

  11. As a B&W foe I can give you my blessing for this wonderful portrait. The beauty of B&W is to use it in the rare cases when it can add something to a picture, not because makes it look 'cool' or 'serious'. Bravo!

  12. Love the portrait. He reminds me of some movie star but I can't think of who it is.

  13. Beautiful portrait. Am I the only one thinking that he looks a bit like a very famous former American president?

  14. Wonderful portrait. I think B&W is often a very good choice for portraits actually. And if that is a New England face, well, I'm even more glad I'm coming over in the Fall! ;)

  15. haha...
    i guess i dont yet recognize new england faces...

  16. His face is full of character.

  17. He looks very kind. Reminds me of my dad.

  18. He does look the true gentleman! Nice capture, Jack.

  19. Very nice! I rather like black & white; it's a nice exercise in seeing the light and dark values rather than colors.

    I'm not sure what distinguishes a New England face. I hope you're not implying that you northeasters are the only ones with handsome gentlemen.

  20. YES! Black and white for a portrait is always appropriate. Very nice, Jack, and I do think he fits the bill of "classic Connecticut Yankee."


  21. He does look like a Yankee, doesn't he?
