Saturday, June 15, 2013

Union League Cafe

The Union League Cafe is a very fine restaurant in downtown New Haven, across the street from the Yale campus.

A sign on the wall proudly reports that the building is on the site of the home of Roger Sherman, who had the privilege of signing the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.

I am traveling with questionable access to the internet.  But, I have posts scheduled while I am away. Please enjoy your visits.


  1. Roger Sherman certainly kept himself busy. Historical sites are wonderful and so good that they are preserved and recognized.

  2. i really like the way you've composed this shot.

  3. two stories, one photo!

  4. I, too, really like your composition and the people inside that you captured! Enjoy your weekend, Jack!

  5. This looks like a place I would enjoy very much.

  6. You don't normally hear people identified as a signer of the Articles of Confederation.

  7. Nice composition on this one, Jack! Hope the trip is going well.

  8. Quite a place to have a restaurant!

  9. A lovely little peek through the window into this fine restaurant .... pretty as a picture. Travel safe Jack.

  10. Great photo, I love the sense of eavesdropping on the diners' conversation. The way the lady is running her hand through her hair really makes this one.

  11. A very well composed pictue, Jack!
    At first I thought this is Venice ;-)
