Saturday, June 1, 2013

The West End

The City Daily Photo bloggers post photos on a theme on the first day of every month.  This month the theme is "the beauty of decay."  Their pictures can be seen here.

Like many inner city neighborhoods, the West End of Hartford undergoes cycles of restoration and decline.  I expected that the economic troubles of the last five years would produce some dramatic examples of fine properties in the West End that are on the ropes today.

Not so.  The vast majority of the homes look great.  So, because it is far more productive to be positive than negative, today I feature a lovely old West End home that is receiving the attentive facelift that it deserves to ward off decay.


  1. There is no stopping decay but your photo indicates that attention to it can repair the damage. Rather than continue the cycle, humans can reverse the damage in some areas. The human body? Not so much!

  2. its great that this home is being brought back too life like its neighbours house. Great post for theme day

  3. Wish I could say the same, Jack. The current economic situation in my country makes me think I will be posting decay shots for much longer.

  4. Once you buy a structure, the facelifting begns. Your $$$ going, going GONE!

  5. Wonderful! You have a great outlook on life to take theme day in this direction. A little restoration can go a long way. Super photo, Jack.

  6. The house looks great! But I hope the restoration doesn't destroy its character ...

  7. Great take on the theme. I had much the same luck here in Phoenix. It was difficult to find real decay.

  8. A bit different. But nice that they are restoring the old house.

  9. We all love decay elsewhere, but not at home!

  10. True lots of buildings are not as well maintained in this bad economic times; but I like this positive entry :)

  11. I've seen some beautiful restored homes in Hartford around the Hartford Seminary area. Nice to envision restoration from decay.

  12. I agree with Red Nomad. We have some homes that don't even look like the original after people get done with them.

  13. I like the positive take on decay! Really shows how much work goes into warding off decline, and how easy it is to 'let things go'!

  14. I love to see this Jack..decay halted in its tracks! Positive is the only way and you are right it was really hard for me to find something for the theme, not my favourite for sure :)

  15. I like your interpretation of theme day. Great looking house too.

  16. This is a hopeful site; good interpretation I think I would like to walk around that neighborhood.

  17. Good interpretation of this theme day, Jack. They are working well.

  18. Everything here is being fixed up at an amazing rate too and the wee house I showed must belong to a speculator waiting to cash in on our crazy high real estate market.
    I love your post for the day, Jack! Positive thinking.

  19. Jack, your Theme Day post is absolutely perfect!

  20. No doom and gloom here. Great news. I love seeing homes being renovated. This one will be a beauty.

  21. Hooray! Speaking strictly for myself, there's always room for a little nip and tuck or facelift in the midst of decay.

  22. Will be a great investment in the community!

  23. This home has potential and I am glad to see that you have given us the positive side for Theme Day.


  24. You know what you will need to do, don't you?

  25. Ah, it's turning into a stately manor once again. Nice looking neighborhood.

  26. a brick house! you dont see that too much around here....
    i like "facelifts" for houses... in my neighborhood many need one...

  27. Clearly wealthier here than other parts of the country
