Sunday, May 19, 2013

Not Cool

OK.  You have a nice old Thunderbird.  Good for you.  But, this parking lot is completely full and I had to drive around twice looking for a space.  And you take TWO of them?  Really?  Who appointed you master of the universe?

When I came back and saw the parking ticket on your windshield for taking two spaces, that made my day!  Am I petty?  Sure.  But it feels good.


  1. Not all are able to park well... and old red cars need more space... haha..

  2. People who do that are just setting themselves up to have their car vandalized.

  3. Driver must have been in a hurry or a person with bad eyesight. Vandalized?! A little extreme? What's to get all hussie extra little walk to find another spot won't hurt!

  4. That's not nice at all. One day someone will teach them a lesson on kindness.

  5. You are not petty and he was in the wrong...

  6. If you're petty , so am I ! It must have been so good to see that ticket! :o)

  7. He's probably a Parisian in disguise. Might even be my neighbour.

  8. lol -- great post, Jack. (And, I love Ciel's comment.) I don't know what gets into drivers sometimes. I bet the person was indignant when they discovered the parking ticket. Hope things in your corner of the world are going well!

  9. That red car is a Ford Thunderbird, probably 1957 or 1958? Drivers of collector cars take two spaces to avoid door dings from thoughtless, uncaring drivers. My old, red '66 Mustang had hundreds of them. Sure it is rude to hog two spaces, but they are protecting the love of their life.

  10. That's a bit rude, glad he got the ticket.

  11. What a laugh! I would have felt a certain joy in seeing that parking sticker.

  12. My, you are easily upset! I've seen a lot of drivers of "special" or "antique" cars do this very thing, figuring, I think, that they are less likely to get bunged by the guy/gal parked next to them. 'Tis frustrating, though, and I'm glad the no good bum got a ticket, too!

  13. I love it that you took a picture. I'm always tempted to leave a nasty note for people like that, but a ticket and a blog post work, too.

  14. Better show up with a copy of the photo so he doesn't talk his way out of it....

  15. You're not petty. It is a genuine, realistic emotion abd I'd feel the same way. It also *&^#@$ me off when one of those humongous SUVs can't fit in a space without going a foot over the line.

  16. Haha, would've been my reaction exactly! This person sure gets around, as I saw it happen twice here this weekend!

  17. Oh yeh this is the worst, especially when there are no other parking spaces..I have a feeling That would have put a smile on my face too Jack :)

  18. yes, thats frustrating! i see that quite often, but maybe he was forced to park like that because of a previous car next to him..?
    i also never understand why motorcycles here take up ONE entire space. thats somethin you would never see in holland.
