Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tea for Two

Please sit down.  Would you like a lemon slice with your tea?

We are at the Silas Robbins House again for the last post in this series.

It takes a guy with long arms to get this photograph.


  1. A beautiful, yet dainty, table setting.

  2. With pleasure !
    I'll just take a tea...

    The table is so lovely

  3. You are tall enough that you would not need to stand on a chair reach the vantage point to take this photo, which of course one would never do in a class place that serves high tea.

    Julie likes high tea. It is a sign of the time that she can do high tea with clients, whereas 30 years ago it would have been two guys playing golf for the equivalent function.

  4. Ah, I would definitely enjoy a cup of tea there, and yes, I'll have a slice of lemon, please!! Terrific capture, I love your "from above" perspective! Have a great weekend, Jack!!

  5. I was just thinking, "was he standing on a chair?". Nice shot.

  6. High tea - priceless! And it feels so decadent. Nice series Jack. I hope you are enjoying yourself on your trip.

  7. Everything just in its place! Good shot, Jack!

  8. Oh it would be lovely to sit a spell at such a pretty table. No lemon, just a drop or two of honey please.

  9. And perfectly framed. I've been to high tea once in my life, at the Empress Hotel in Victoria BC. I ain't dainty enough.

  10. I love 'high tea' all those dainty little goodies, yum! Very elegant angle Jack..hope you're having a super time, happy Easter.

  11. WEll thank you I do prefer a slice of lemon. And as for the shot, at 5'2", even if I stood on one of those dainty antique chairs, I'd not get that one, Jack!

  12. Creative image.
    Yes please, I would like a lemon slice with my tea:)
