Monday, March 4, 2013

Hartford Murals

Though I am not wild about graffiti street art, I know that many people who view photo blogs like it. So, in a crass and shameless effort to curry favor with viewers who like graffiti street art, here are some Hartford murals.

The first is a downtown skateboard park.

And these are murals painted on a tunnel under the railroad tracks in Hartford.  The railroad tunnel mural was done by teenagers in some kind of summer art project.  This post is linked to Monday Murals.


  1. well it works in a skate park but usually it just irks me! love the work the teens did in the tunnels!

  2. I'm with you, Jack. I'm no fan of graffiti. The overgrowth in the bottom pic really jump out at me. Question: If you're going to try to improve an area with a mural, why not weed the area too?

  3. I'm not fond of graffiti either, but at least the bright colors liven things up!

  4. Reminds me of a recent CBC report on trying to save what's left of the Berlin Wall and its art.

  5. Hey, you got beautiful examples!
    Wonderful pictures!

  6. The murals are okay but, that top one is disturbing. I'm not a big fan of graffiti. Murals are mostly okay but, graffiti is not for me.

  7. Ha ha, graffiti are definitely not you. I'd love to know if your statistics show this shameful trick was successful.

  8. No, I don't like the graffiti either, but it is colorful! And I guess it can make a pretty good art project for teenagers, particularly if it keeps them busy and out of trouble! Great post/photos regardless!! Have a good wee, Jack!

  9. I guess they were going for an 'urban' vibe at the skate park. I much prefer the bottom 2 but that sidewalk doesn't look too well used.

  10. The top is graffiti. The bottom two are murals. There you have it! Junk vs. art.

  11. I agree with RamblingAround...the top one is graffiti and the bottom two are street art. Tagging is deplorable...just a way to get their gang signs out there, and it's UGLY! Art is always ART!

  12. Yes, I agree too. The top one is horrible, the other ones are better and make a tunnel that isn't particularly good looking look slightly more cheerful.

  13. Hi Jack, you and graffiti... anyway, a bit of color is not bad...

  14. Ugh! Aargh! Yuk!

    Do you think I like this crap?

  15. The bottom two have some artistic merit to them; the third one works best, even with all the yellow.

    The first one's just graffiti...

  16. I'm not crazy about the one in the skateboard park, but I like the one in the tunnel.

  17. The first is not more than a bunch of tags, the second has some sense but not much creativity, the third one goes nowhere... OK, I do not like murals, not many of them anyway!

  18. There's a very fine line between grafitti and art. I guess both are in the eyes of the beholder. I'll admit to being one of your readers who likes seeing the murals.

  19. Pity the work near the tunnels has been allowed to deteriorate. If I were one of the kids who worked on them, I'd be pretty disappointed. These can't be the only murals in Hartford, can they? Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  20. Love these! Sucker for urban art. Probably because I live in Carmel where you have to abide by some architectural decorum I don't really understand.

  21. All three are very colorful; the similarities end there. Can't say that I'm wild about any of them.
