Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Salon Style

Back to the Wadsworth Atheneum's exhibition of its French artwork.

In 19th century Paris and London, annual salons displayed their best works in a densely packed, multi-tier format.

The format was also adopted by the wealthy citizens of Hartford.  Elizabeth Hart Jarvis Colt -- wife of arms merchant Samuel Colt -- was a big collector and displayed her collection salon style at her mansion, Armsmear, less than a mile from the Wadsworth Atheneum.  After she died, Mrs. Colt gave her collection to the museum, and many works she once owned are shown here in the museum's exhibition of its French paintings.


  1. I see very romantic pieces of art here. Mrs Colt had good taste, at last in art.

  2. I love that sculpture!A exhibition that I would love visiting!

  3. I like the way these paintings are displayed. Very nice!

  4. You have educated me. I can now explain that the somewhat crowded walls of our house are the adoption of the salon style.

  5. You have a great museum with some really beautiful paintings!

  6. Mrs. Colt was very agile if she gave her collection to the museum "after" she died. It's a good trick if you can do it.

    Maybe she collected hat tricks, too?

    Just kidding. It's the weather. Hot.

  7. Mrs. Colt left a wonderful legacy to the museum. I'm intrigued by that sculpture. It makes me think of something I might see on a tomb in a European cemetery.

  8. That is a great collection -- guess it proves what guns can help provide you with!! Hope your week is going well, Jack!!

  9. Great collection of beautiful paintings here.

  10. What a fabulous place the Atheneum is.

  11. I suppose I would spend hours in there...

  12. I can just envision the peace and quiet that come with this lovely art.

  13. I have friends who strongly endorse the "squeeze 'em in floor-to-ceiling" format of displaying art. With the right pieces, it's pretty awesome. I, on the other hand, insist on seeing wall space. I painted those walls, and gosh darn it, I'm not going to hide them.

  14. Oh Jack, you made me laugh out loud!

  15. Ditto what Dave said Jack, we have many artists in the family (including moi) and it has to go somewhere haha!
