Friday, December 14, 2012

The Christmas Shop

Jotham IV's Christmas Shop has room after room of knickknacks, bric-a-brac, tchotchkes, doohickeys, toys, novelties . . . and seasonal gifts and decorations.  But, it is hard to argue with one of them.


  1. Ha, ha! Ok, now what? Oh, open the presents!

    We ran into a store like this in Eustis, Florida. It was unbelievable all the Christmas crap they sold. Some of it quite beautiful, though. If you like that stuff!

    Keep swinging and it sounds like you'd better stay straight!

  2. Oh dear, I could spend the day in there but don't need any of this!

  3. I am always amazed by this kind of stores.

  4. Everyone needs a doohickey or two during the holidays.

  5. I cannot resist Christmas shops, but when I enter to browse I quickly feel overwhelmed and then quickly leave. Lots of colour but too much clutter.

  6. I could get into some serious trouble in a shop like this at this time of year!! I do love the tchotchkes, doohickeys etc, etc!! O love them all! Have a great weekend, Jack!

  7. I love everything I see here!my kind of dream-shop! :o)

  8. I could do with that sign right about now Jack..what's that they say..'if you don't laugh you'll cry'..

  9. It's always fun to poke about in those shops!

  10. I like to look...but not buy. Laughter is good, though.

  11. :-) The thing is, I don't want to be let loose in that kind of place...
