Friday, September 7, 2012

Ann Uccello Street

This reflection is in the window of a building on Ann Uccello Street in downtown Hartford. 

Ann Uccello was elected mayor of Hartford in 1967, the first woman to be elected mayor in Hartford and the first in Connecticut.  Heck, she was the first woman elected mayor of any major American city. Ms. Uccello turned 90 years old earlier this year.

Like reflections?  Click here.


  1. Perfect shot dear Jack. the building reflected on the window is beautiful. I also like the red brick in this facade.
    Have a nice weekend,

  2. I'm glad Ann Ucello has a street to remember her fabulous life and fights, and victories .Great reflection to illustrate the tribute!

  3. It makes me feel good that a street was named for her. 1967??? That is quite an accomplishment.

  4. Your reflections are always so cool!

  5. Wonderful reflection for the day, Jack!! A great tribute to a great woman! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!

  6. Beautiful reflection, Jack!
    I love the contrast of the different materials.

  7. The colour are awesome on your picture ! I like the framing in brick red ; it give a very soft tone to the reflection...

  8. Great reflection Jack! 1967 was a good year for me too. My birth year. :)

  9. Jack, that's a fine reflection, but a better story about Ann Ucello. I didn't know about here being a Midwesterner.

  10. Kudos to Ms. Ucello! May she have many more happy years!

    Cool reflection.

    Nice to see you're back. Hope the principals are off to a lifetime of wedded bliss!

  11. So nice to see you back Jack, we missed you, it sounds like you've had a wonderful couple of weeks with the wedding, family and friends, precious times! As much as I love your reflections today, I'm a little distracted by the thought of you in lycra haha!

  12. A perfect reflection! Good on Ms. Uccello for being a "first" woman. :)
    Nice to hear about pioneering women like her.

  13. Great composition and very beautiful reflections!
    Love the brick work!
    Thanks for sharing, Jack!

    Have a nice weekend****

  14. I didn't know of this great lady...

  15. I like the tone-on-tone here.

    Ann Uccello must be quite a pistol. There weren't many women elected to offices beyond high school secretary in those days.

  16. Great capture Jack - the tone on tone and marvellous mix of angles is very pleasing to the eye. Thanks for sharing the history too. Happy weekend.

  17. I love the photo and the importance of what you post with everything going on in our government lays heavy in my heart and head.
