Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Curmudgeon

This is The Curmudgeon, a sculpture by Brigid Kennedy, an art teacher at a local high school.  It is in the yard of a fascinating home in the West End of Hartford.  The 1903 house is by William H. Scoville, who designed many homes in this historic neighborhood.

The house has chalet-like details and unusual carvings.  Look at the circular detail on the porch, where the rail would usually be supported by balustrades.

Why The Curmudgeon today?  It is my birthday. I thought it was appropriate.


  1. Bon anniversaire from France, dear Jack!I hope you'll have a wonderful day, a very big and delicious cake, a lot of gifts and great moments to share with all those who you love!!From now on, august 25th will be known as the Curmudgeon Day! :o)

  2. Happy Birthday, Jack! Have a not-so-Curmudgeonly day!

  3. Happy Birthday, Jack!
    Good choice for you? I TRY hard not to be one, a curmudgeon not a piece of stone.

  4. Hahahahahahaha! Happy Birthday!

  5. Cute post for the day. Happy Birthday Jack!

  6. Interesting sculpture and more interesting perspective of it. Good shot, Jack!

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday, you young Curmudgeon!! I hope you have a fantastic day! Wonderful looking old house and such an interesting sculpture! Enjoy!!

  8. Happy Birthday, Jack!!!!!
    Love the house and the sculpture.

  9. You are definitely no curmudgeon in my book, Jack! Enjoy the day! ;-))

  10. Happy Birthday Jack... Have a fantastic day.

  11. Happy Birthday, Jack. I know how you must be feeling, but anyone who takes the photographs you take can't be too much of a curmudgeon. You've been an inspiration to me. Many more happy birthdays to you!

  12. Happy Birthday! Great looking sculpture.

  13. Interesting sculpture... And happy birthday!
    Now, "curmudgeon", never heard this word before. Could it be that I'm also one of these?
    God bless you!

  14. Happy Birthday, Jack. Hope you're in better shape than the sculpture.

  15. Congratulations! - Gratulerer med dagen!
    Happy Birthday!

    I like the sculpture, and you have so many nice houses in and around your area.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend too.

  16. Happy belated birthday, Jack! Somehow I think the "curmudgeon" is just a persona for you. I bet you're really a softie at heart. Hope it was wonderful day.

  17. Both the art and details on the house are eye-catching and, I assume, much appreciated!

  18. Happy belated birthday! Much as I admire this sculpture, may you never slip into the curmudgeon classification. (Also, very neat house!)
